So I decided to wash my Shine plus over the weekend. It didn't seem to like that very much. Took it apart and left it in a bag of rice for a few days and most of the moisture seems to be out of it except for a little in the screen. It turns on and it mostly seems to be working except the screen won't stay in sleep mode and calls keep switching speaker phone on/off so i'm sure it will kill the battery fast and annoy me. I'll toss it back in the rice for another few days and see what happens but I'm not too hopeful. Oh well it was a good run. lol
Anyways, just wondering where I can source another one of these phones cheaply now, or what other android devices should I be looking into? I still would like to have a physical keyboard and at least similar specs to this phone. I am still on a contract with Telus for a bit. What is the process to add another device to it as I have never done that before?
Anyways, just wondering where I can source another one of these phones cheaply now, or what other android devices should I be looking into? I still would like to have a physical keyboard and at least similar specs to this phone. I am still on a contract with Telus for a bit. What is the process to add another device to it as I have never done that before?