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Kit Kat 4.4


Android Enthusiast
Does any body know if the Original Galaxy Note 10.1 is going to get Kit Kat 4.4 or even 4.3 for that matter?
My Note 10.1 is just over a year old and by the looks of it, already at the bottom of Samsungs priorities :-(
Unfortunately! But Im pretty sure, that we are getting A4.3 because the issue with SNote files. They (support) have said that they are working with the issue while other (support) said that the issue is actually related to A4.3 and they were implying the possible fw update. So if it is related to A4.3 then they have to build a new firmaware too.

And I think it will be the last one we are going to get. Anyway, hopefully soon because ble, trim, multiuser, opengl 3... fixed issue with SNote and compatibility with Gear.
Did you hope for it to be the top device for the next 11 years?

Dont be sarcastic! Devices, today, have hardware that can be used for years. Jerking off with specs isnt that what most of us are looking for. Everybody undestands that their devices are not at the top after some months and it is not even expected. We are just happy with slower scores from benchmarks etc. and understand that there will be always newer and better devices. But that doesnt mean that it is okay to cut off the support and trying to make us upgrading.

I think that this will be my last device from Samsung. They are just trying to make us to upgrade our 2012 models to 2014. Yeah, right, not going to happen. There is nothing bad with the model 2012, it is very capable of handling A4.3 or 4.4.

(might differ in regions)
september 2012 they gave us Note 10.1 3G (wifi), android 4.0, updated january 2013 to 4.1.x
january 2013 they gave us Note 10.1 4G, android 4.1.x
october 2013 they gave us Note 10.1 (2014), android 4.3

At first they made a device with 3G and after couple months later they already upgraded it to 4G. I personally dont care, because Im mostly using this via wifi and my internet connection in my phone is slow just for light browsing, emails etc. But I know that some customers werent quite happy that Samsung didnt provide 4G models at the first place and Samsung already knew that they are going to put 4G models out so soon. Then they stopped produce keyboards for Note 10.1. Many of Note 10.1 owners were waiting those keyboards for months and suddenly they said that they dont do them anymore. Then they made another Note 10.1 (2014) with new Android OS. It is a nice package for sure. And they even have updated their cheaper phones already. And finally there is a rumour that Samsung has stopped making spare parts for Note 10.1 (2012).
I did not say the 2012 model is bad or there is anything wrong with it, but whining that a device is not a top priority model after a year from its release where devices ar releasee very 10-12 months is imply useless.
I did not say the 2012 model is bad or there is anything wrong with it, but whining that a device is not a top priority model after a year from its release where devices ar releasee very 10-12 months is imply useless.

It isn't imply useless,, it's only been Lil over a year so it should have some support,, but my thing is you could deliver your opinions a little better,, This is a great community and ppl needs to feel comfortable asking questions,, if you didn't have anything useful or friendly then just keep on scrolling or try xd* you will fit in there.
I personally don't want the update cos I got the new tab and it wouldn't let me use flash,, I have everything I own side loaded and using flash but the new updated jb would not work,, it would install but would not work. I went and bought a brand new older model note 10.1 a week ago from best b and your saying I should be OK with buying it new with no support,, just be a Lil kinder please.

Oh by the way flash works great on this one. ;-)

It isn't imply useless,, it's only been Lil over a year so it should have some support,, but my thing is you could deliver your opinions a little better,, This is a great community and ppl needs to feel comfortable asking questions,, if you didn't have anything useful or friendly then just keep on scrolling or try xd* you will fit in there.
I personally don't want the update cos I got the new tab and it wouldn't let me use flash,, I have everything I own side loaded and using flash but the new updated jb would not work,, it would install but would not work. I went and bought a brand new older model note 10.1 a week ago from best b and your saying I should be OK with buying it new with no support,, just be a Lil kinder please.

Oh by the way flash works great on this one. ;-)

You are assuming everyone in this world speaks English natively, that is where you are wrong. When you are not a native speaker, some things seem right, but to a native speaker they sound wrong.
I agree, I think we should get an update.
However if we dont, its not the end of the world.

I bought a samsung tab 7" for my wife 3 months after i purchased my 10.1 and she received the 4.4 update already.


To say that if your not english speaking that you interpret things differently in this case is silly.
Especially if you currently have more than 5 thousand post in a English speaking forum.

I speak to very intelligent non-english speaking people all the time and the communications both ways is excellent. Written and verbal.:):)

To say that if your not english speaking that you interpret things differently in this case is silly.
Especially if you currently have more than 5 thousand post in a English speaking forum.

I speak to very intelligent non-english speaking people all the time and the communications both ways is excellent. Written and verbal.:):)

99% of the time I only speak and write in English, but nuances and littlle shades of gray always cause issues.
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