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Help Landscape lock - all the time?


Android Enthusiast
Dec 6, 2009
Hi all,
I would love to use my D2 in landscape mode all the time. I use dxTop for my launcher so I can force that to landscape easily. Many of the apps and games I use are landscape anyway. My question is about the lock screen. I know the lock screen does operate in landscape mode (with the keyboard open), but when I close the keyboard it goes back to portrait. Is there any way for me to keep things landscape as the default?

Thanks inssane but that's not really what I am looking for. I use dxTop for my home screens, and it can do landscape just fine. I am looking for something that can lock the device in landscape mode - like it does now if the physical keyboard is open. I almost wish I could find something that could trick the OS into thinking the physical keyboard is open all the time...
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ADW does the same thing that dxTop does - it keeps the home screen in landscape mode. However, when I turn the phone off and turn it back on, the lock screen is always in portrait - except when the physical keyboard is open. I'm looking for something that will force the lock screen to always be in landscape mode...
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