I've been using it since yesterday morning, and whilst there are a couple of things I'd like added to it, I really enjoy using it and it runs really nicely on my Galaxy.
What I really like:
-The status bar, the way it displays cell and wireless signal strengths
-Google Reader integration. I found with newsrob that I'd read an item and it wouldn't show as being read on my browser client, so it made things a bit crap, but with this, i can slide my finger away and it is fine.
-Twitter integration is great
-The font used is really polished and you can tell they put a lot of work into this.
What I don't like so much
- It can sometimes (rarely) crash, well twice in two days, so not too awful.
- How it costs $6.99 to just remove the advertisement. I would pay for a couple of added features, not to remove a little, fairly unobtrusive advert.
- Inability to change the wallpaper
- It's not the lockscreen
For me to spend that $6.99, I'd like any of the following added to it:
- Wallpapers
- A media player controller at the bottom just with << || > >> at the least, or for the wallpaper to change to the album art of the current track playing with those controls at the bottom
- Facebook integration (but not so much, come to think of it, I really don't care about Farmville :|)
- Maybe extra spaces for widgets, but I guess that might go against the idea of this screen.
- To also be the lock screen