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Last.fm is going down the pooper.

Way to use the search fadelight!

j/k ;) Good to see some of the old faces around here :)

lol was there another thread? I just let the auto search feature do it for me if I want to share info, and it came up with "no topics found", so I shrugged and hit New Topic. Oh well... The mods will merge it. :D

Edit: LOL it was yours!! Sneaky bastid. I must be more tired than I thought... no way I should've missed that one.
Last.FM is way more than just radio. It is not dead by a long shot. I don't even use their radio and love Last.FM....frankly, I didn't even know they had one.

Last.FM's core is in scrobbling.
I agree about the scrobbling... I listen to a very specific type of music and last.fm is the only service that accurately chooses new music. I just refuse to pay money for a service that was free for so long and always worked fine. They are just getting greedy.
I used to like Last.fm, but then I moved, and that was the end of that. RIP Last.fm 2002-2010.

'Dear Pandora Visitor, We are deeply, deeply sorry to say that due to licensing constraints, we can no longer allow access to Pandora for listeners located outside of the U.S. We will continue to work diligently to realize the vision of a truly global Pandora, but for the time being we are required to restrict its use. We are very sad to have to do this, but there is no other alternative. We believe that you are in China...'

'Spotify coming soon. Thanks for visiting Spotify. To us, music is everything. Our dream is to have all the music in the world available instantly to everyone, wherever they are. But for the time being, we’re not able to launch in every country. We’re really sorry about this, but it takes time to arrange licensing agreements with record labels and local publishing rights societies. Rest assured we’re doing everything we can to resolve this, and hope to offer Spotify in many more countries as soon as possible.'

I keep on hearing of how great cloud based music services are, and how it's supposed to be the future of how we listen to music.... Hahahaha!! Looks like I'll still be downloading MP3s for the foreseeable future.
I used to like Last.fm, but then I moved, and that was the end of that. RIP Last.fm 2002-2010.

'Dear Pandora Visitor, We are deeply, deeply sorry to say that due to licensing constraints, we can no longer allow access to Pandora for listeners located outside of the U.S. We will continue to work diligently to realize the vision of a truly global Pandora, but for the time being we are required to restrict its use. We are very sad to have to do this, but there is no other alternative. We believe that you are in China...'

'Spotify coming soon. Thanks for visiting Spotify. To us, music is everything. Our dream is to have all the music in the world available instantly to everyone, wherever they are. But for the time being, we’re not able to launch in every country. We’re really sorry about this, but it takes time to arrange licensing agreements with record labels and local publishing rights societies. Rest assured we’re doing everything we can to resolve this, and hope to offer Spotify in many more countries as soon as possible.'

I keep on hearing of how great cloud based music services are, and how it's supposed to be the future of how we listen to music.... Hahahaha!! Looks like I'll still be downloading MP3s for the foreseeable future.

Cloud-based storage and computing sucks. It goes like molasses for all but the smallest files. Even over broadband. To back up my 400GB HD to the cloud would take 10 weeks of uninterrupted 24/7 uploading...! Plus: THEY would control my access to my own data. Not I! So they could cut me off at will. Or demand a king's ransom for access. Or provide undesirable third parties access. All to MY data...

Once they've got YOUR data in THEIR cloud, and you've started to rely on it they will have you by the balls...

Uh-uh! Cloud computing is a commercialised Big Brother! Stay away!
Last.fm has been demanding a subscription for a long time. Only germany, england and the usa got it for free. Outside those countries you even have to buy a subscription to listen on their website, and then you get screwed on exchange rates too.

In the usa you pay $3 a month. In europe you pay €3 (over $4), and in england it's
maybe it's just me, but for the longest time i have only used the last.fm android app for scrobbling, and still used pandora for streaming. i kinda felt that last.fm occasionally got off track (and I've been using thier service since 2005), and that the stream quality was sub par to pandora. i guess it won't really effect me in any way.
I just refuse to pay money for a service that was free for so long and always worked fine. They are just getting greedy.

I agree. Everyone knows that acquiring and maintaining a crapton of servers, storage space and network bandwidth is free. As is the various talent it takes to produce and run something like that. How DARE they expect money in return to get that done!! How DARE investors expect a return on their investment!!! Heathens!!

Well we will show them, we will no longer not pay them to use their service. Um... I mean we will continue to not pay them, but just not use their service. Or something like that.
Cloud-based storage and computing sucks. It goes like molasses for all but the smallest files. Even over broadband. To back up my 400GB HD to the cloud would take 10 weeks of uninterrupted 24/7 uploading...! Plus: THEY would control my access to my own data. Not I! So they could cut me off at will. Or demand a king's ransom for access. Or provide undesirable third parties access. All to MY data...

Once they've got YOUR data in THEIR cloud, and you've started to rely on it they will have you by the balls...

Uh-uh! Cloud computing is a commercialised Big Brother! Stay away!

...or your stuff in the cloud is unavailable because of your location, due to politics, religion, licensing, no internet, whatever.

Yes cloud computing sucks for just so many reasons. This Last.FM debacle proves it.
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