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Help Launcher Pro Questions


Android Enthusiast
Apr 7, 2010
1)Is there any way to keep my widget placement/icon/folder placement when I load up LP?

2)Is there any way to disable Launcher pro without installing it so I can go back to my sense home screen with previous icons and widgets?

3) is there any way to do a scene like feature like in sense so I can switch between a LP scense and a sense scene?

4) What is the best replacement widget for-
a)People (favorite)
b)Calender/to do list

Thanks so much for any responses I really want to switch over but Its ganna be alot of work since i have all 7 of my screens packed full and I really love my htc widgets.
well, to answer question 2 you can use a program called Home Switcher, im using it right now, and I like it

This. It also applies to question 3.

Also, best replacement for

People: QuickDial

Calendar: Pure Calendar (couple different kinds). Actually way better than the sense calendar

Bookmarks: Good question. I just use the bookmarks link in Folder Organizer, instead of a widget.
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