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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2022
SW Florida
I've tried to get the led edge lighting to work on this phone, but can't. Followed the directions, but all the phone does is open the lock screen when a call, email, or text come in. If i'm not looking at the phone, i'll miss the email or text. Maybe there's a step that i'm missing? Also i'd like to have different sound for email and text msgs. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I've tried to get the led edge lighting to work on this phone, but can't. Followed the directions, but all the phone does is open the lock screen when a call, email, or text come in. If i'm not looking at the phone, i'll miss the email or text. Maybe there's a step that i'm missing? Also i'd like to have different sound for email and text msgs. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
what phone do you have?
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so the edge lighting only briefly shows the notification. it does not continuously flash until you pick the phone up. so yes if you are not looking at the phone you will not see the notification. if it is on my desk and the phone is in my line of site, i might notice it. otherwise it will just show on my aod lockscreen.

let us know what app you get that works for you.
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so the edge lighting only briefly shows the notification. it does not continuously flash until you pick the phone up. so yes if you are not looking at the phone you will not see the notification. if it is on my desk and the phone is in my line of site, i might notice it. otherwise it will just show on my aod lockscreen.

let us know what app you get that works for you.
It is the same path in settings to manage edge lighting on my S21
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I have this challenge as well. Just went from Note 9 (separate LED, flashed different colors for texts, missed calls, charged battery) to S23 Ultra.

When I aodNotify, I can get the LED (really the ring light around the FF camera) to perform like that, but ONLY if I also have the clock be "always on" as well. Anyone find a way to get the LED by itself ?
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Oh, that would drive me mad: I hate notifications from apps that don't let me change the sound because I can't tell which app it was and hence whether I want to look at it now or not. So I at least want messages to sound different from other things, and different message apps to sound different to each other (heck, I even have different sounds for different email accounts...), so that I can treat anything using the default sound as "probably unimportant".
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Oh, that would drive me mad: I hate notifications from apps that don't let me change the sound because I can't tell which app it was and hence whether I want to look at it now or not. So I at least want messages to sound different from other things, and different message apps to sound different to each other (heck, I even have different sounds for different email accounts...), so that I can treat anything using the default sound as "probably unimportant".
Ok, as long as you're happy with it.
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