I have been to a few places looking at cases for mine I almost had a nice one but it was for iPhone and was to tall, I found a lot of pouches but I want mine in a case where I can see it. so I ended up going to Future Shop and buying a case for a LG Dare, it was pretty close to my phone the home button all are open and the screen to, the only thing I had to do was take my exacto knife and cut out around the camera lens, the flash hole lined up but not the lens and I had to cut the side a bit for the buttons were covered a bit, It only took a few minutes and looks pretty good. It was only 9 bucks so its not like it was a lot, and I feel a lot better now with it covered. If you are planning on using the keyboard you will either have to get a different case or use the on screen one. I was debating whether to cut the side out so the keyboard would slide out but I just left it. It is a temp until I find a case for the eve.