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Liege - RPG inspired by the classics - Kickstarter

Pledges are trending well, averaging almost $2,000 a day since the announcement for a PS4/Vita edition. Should make the $52,000 required for it at this rate! Pass the word along to anyone interested!
Just about 7 days left, less thank 10K to go for the PS4/Vita/Linux versions. Pass the word if you know anyone that would or could be interested!
Surprise move but the stretch goals have actually been lowered! Need less than $3,500 for the PS4/Vita/Linux versions and $10,000 for the Burning City.

Also, PayPal option added for those that can't use Amazon payments.

See update below, only 5 days left!

Liege by John Rhee
Wii U and the Burning City stretch goals passed. Only 52 hours left and only $7,000 to get Art 2.0. Pass the word along for anyone that has a Wii U or could be interested in this game!
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