Here's the changelog:
v1.95 Changelog (11/12/2010)
updated news and weather app v1.3.01 (credit google)
new email app with exchange enhancements(credit cyanogenmod)
carrier name issues should now be resolved (credit koush & liquid)
built from source using latest FRG83 proprietaries (credit liquid)
new miui style call user interface in phone app (credit blackdroid)
updated to the latest frg83 google apps as of 11/11 (credit p3droid)
new dual mode snooze alarm feature in clock app (credit evan charlton) <-- Yeah, I think I want this!!!
rebuilt aosp frg83 source fresh and synced as of 11/12 (credit liquid)
implemented old market app sync method for better reliability (credit liquid) <-- Good, I think I am having issues with mine right now....
great improvement in performance and quadrant scores (credit liquid & slayher)
implemented old network location method for more accurate geolocation (credit liquid) <-- Ahh, this may be why BW keeps FCing on me....
included theme wallpapers and new app draw icons in Goods on sdcard (credit liquidzgrl)
tweaked build.prop values for smoother transitions and better preformance (credit liquid)
now included the all in one roottools script; get the roottools app in market (credit jrummy)