I hate to appear ignorant, but will that require a data wipe?
No, see SN's reply for more details.
I feel like an idiot asking this but is this ROM for the captivate? Because I have cognition working perfectly and I would really like to get LFY on my captivate, I've been trying but i just keep getting that Error 7 thing. And if so can i do it through ROM manager instead of booting through recovery? because every time i do it through recovery i get that error
Any help please ?
EDIT: damn ... went onto there site and cried when i saw this...
answered my question ..
Yup, sorry, bud, best place to find ROMs for that device will be in the Captivate forums.
No. I would make a back up first, but just use ROM manager to select the .zip file and apply it without clearing any data.
Or if you prefer,
Boot into recovery and apply the .zip file from there. Again, do not clear any data.
We are talking about the call screen fix for LFY 1.95
In addition, if you perform a data wipe, you'll need to sign in to your Google account again, download all your apps again, etc., just like when you first installed the
This is a simple fix for one particular program that is a part of the ROM, so there is no need to wipe. It won't hurt if you have
just installed the ROM, b/c you probably don't have a lot of data accumulated, but if you installed the ROM 2 weeks ago, then you'll probably have a lot more data accumulated, like SMS, call logs, etc., and you'll lose all that in addition to what I said above.
Short answer: Wiping only needed when swapping / updating / up
grading ROMs.
Not needed when applying a