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Help Little Problem With SMS Time

So basically this isn't really a normal problem, but it's a super annoying one, basically I live in Arizona, and we don't do daylight savings time here, and for instance let's say I message a friend at 3:05 PM and they instantly message back, it will say 2:05 PM for their text, and the actual time for mine, it's always been an hour behind like this, it's been like this for about a month now, but the weird thing is, it doesn't do this on sprint roms, EX; Viper3D, CM10, etc. When I go back to an Evo v 4G rom, EX: Mobster Rom, Unlocked Potential, and Midnight. All of those will do the hour behind thing, it's annoying because instead of it being
So I bet you guy's can guess that after about 20 text's you're scrolling for a pretty long time to see what they said. Any help with this will be greatly appreciated!
It has to be, I switched back to Mobster's Rom today, Texted myself still an hour behind, went back to Gangnam Style, back to normal..
Strange, because mine is less than a minute behind.

Mine being off by1 minute and yours is off by an hour indicates an outside influence. The other roms working, is also an indicator.

I'm thinking the radio/hboot/kernel combo could be doing it.
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Strange, because mine is less than a minute behind.

Mine being off by1 minute and yours is off by an hour indicates an outside influence. The other roms working, is also an indicator.

I'm thinking the radio/hboot/kernel combo could be doing it.

It definitely isn't caused by the radio/hboot/kernel either taken alone or in combination. I would think that it's caused by an incorrect parameter either within the roms framework itself or more likely within the apps or phone settings.
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It hasn't always been that way though and Harmonia only has minimal changes.
The only other possibility is some of the new update files are conflicting, but the update is so minimal that I'm just not convinced.

When I have some time, I'll try some experiments on Harmonia and see when it happened and what changed at the time, but other than radio, the only thing I changed that should have any effect was the Virgin updates. So if not that, then an app is causing the problem or the phone's internal clock has drifted.
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