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Location based camera settings?

Tried searching for a related thread, but couldn't find an answer...

I have very different camera needs while at work vs while not at work.

While at work, I use my camera several times a week to transmit signed copies of documents and to capture pics of receipts for the Concur expense system (there's an ap for it too!). This system is easier & faster for me than using a scanner.

So for work, I prefer low resolution pics, as they upload faster, and in the case of email, doesn't overfill my corporate email account (strictly limited capacity).

Outside of work, I prefer max resolution. I've taken several great shots of my son or wife, only to later realize, I forgot to reset the camera back to hi-res.

I use the Llama app for location based changes, but it doesn't let me change camera resolution. I'm going to write to the Llama developer - he has been great in the past about replying to me and I will post an update here if I get a response.

Does anyone know if any other location-based apps will let me do this, or have any other suggestion on how I might accomplish this?

Using a rooted Droid2 Global (Verizon) - No new ROM's, but rooted so I can underclock it when the screen is off in order to extend battery life.

Thanks in advance,


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