Does anyone know about a software keyboard that would replicate the experience of using an old-style phone keypad, without the predictive stuff?
I mean one where you could tap a button once for A, twice for B, three times for C? (similarly the next key would be 1=D, 2=E, 3=F, etc.)
I would think this would have the advantage of being much more accurate than the standard keyboard (where it can be a little tricky to hit the right key), whilst avoiding the unpredictability of predictive texting (with this scheme, you always get an 'O' when you press the '6' area 3 times, you don't have to worry about the software trying to second-guess what you might have wanted).
I've tried out a number of apps, handycent keyboard is in the right direction, but does the predictive stuff; slidetype is a nice idea, but still not totally convinced...
I mean one where you could tap a button once for A, twice for B, three times for C? (similarly the next key would be 1=D, 2=E, 3=F, etc.)
I would think this would have the advantage of being much more accurate than the standard keyboard (where it can be a little tricky to hit the right key), whilst avoiding the unpredictability of predictive texting (with this scheme, you always get an 'O' when you press the '6' area 3 times, you don't have to worry about the software trying to second-guess what you might have wanted).
I've tried out a number of apps, handycent keyboard is in the right direction, but does the predictive stuff; slidetype is a nice idea, but still not totally convinced...