Hi there . I look for website where i can get a some online work stuff
i want simple online jobs that i can work in my part time
I would like the job not require too much skills
And i would be happy if i can get from $6 per hour to 15 $ because i don't need money i just want to try something new
My skills are ..
1. Typing
2. Coding (java, python and C++ etc) but am not very interested in online programming jobs because my actual job is programming and i said i want to try something new
3 photoshop Editing
4 logo and graphics design
i want simple online jobs that i can work in my part time
I would like the job not require too much skills
And i would be happy if i can get from $6 per hour to 15 $ because i don't need money i just want to try something new

My skills are ..
1. Typing
2. Coding (java, python and C++ etc) but am not very interested in online programming jobs because my actual job is programming and i said i want to try something new
3 photoshop Editing
4 logo and graphics design