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Lookout saved my bu** today!


Android Enthusiast
Jul 25, 2010
Issaquah, WA
My phone case poppped off my belt today and I figure that it was at least 20 minutes before I noticed my phone was gone. I tried to backtrack to find the phone, but no luck. I finished the job I was working on, found an Internet terminal, and logged into MyLookOut. 15 minutes later I was holding my phone again. I was extremely lucky because I found my phone in the street where it had been sitting in the sun for several hours. It had not been run over and it did not walk away (did I say I was lucky) so I am very thankful for the outcome.

The folks at LookOut did an awesome job on their product and I will be upgrading to premium as soon as my budget allows for it...

lookout is no.1 today, but you should consider and test other products as well.
i heard eset just launched their android app wich has more features than standard LookOut, but sometimes it hangs.

BTW: was your GPS on/off ? i too use lookout to scan my apps and to retrieve my phone if lost, but i don't know if it will turn the gps on by itself because i keep it off.
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