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Looks like Nov 21 (Monday) for USA?


Android Expert
Feb 8, 2010

Take it for what it is worth.. I know, it is one of 5 dates rumored thus far, but this is the latest VZW screenshot. Possibly "web only" on the 21st.
i'd prefer if it was this, and not web only. would like to play with it with my own hands before i buy it...

Yeah - and web orders are surely going to mess up a few holiday travel plans next week as well. If it is the 21st for web orders, i'm going to have some fun getting this thing delivered before a trip to the in-laws for t-giving. I might as well just wait.
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I really wish I didn't know about this phone because I come on this web site way too much looking for updates haha

I'm so anxious to put this up against my Rezound and make a good decision on which one to keep . The spot on the Verge really got me excited to the point I may have been sportin some wood

Damm Jim...ur really diggin this Rezound huh brother
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Yeah, although there are some folks in the comments thread discrediting this screenshot, I saw a separate doc surface this afternoon on Droid Life that also indicates 12/8 for the delivery of in-store point of sale materials. Two separate items within an hour, both indicating 12/8, is probably more than a coincidence? And this would support P3Droid's pretty firm stance on a December launch.
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Doesn't December 8 make more sense?

The people who bought the Droid RAZR won't be able to return it by then. (well over a month would have passed even if you bought it few days after 11/11/11 release date)

It would also allow for the return date to pass for anyone that bought the HTC Rezound already. Again... few weeks would have passed.

It is pretty much a foregone conclusion that there will be MANY people after the Galaxy Nexus once it's released and more and more people would buy it even in 2012. No reason to RUSH the release date considering they do have exclusivity over these phones for the time being.

I think this is Verizon's way of making all the Android phone manufacturers happy.
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Doesn't December 8 make more sense?

The people who bought the Droid RAZR won't be able to return it by then. (well over a month would have passed even if you bought it few days after 11/11/11 release date)

It would also allow for the return date to pass for anyone that bought the HTC Rezound already. Again... few weeks would have passed.

It is pretty much a foregone conclusion that there will be MANY people after the Galaxy Nexus once it's released and more and more people would buy it even in 2012. No reason to RUSH the release date considering they do have exclusivity over these phones for the time being.

I think this is Verizon's way of making all the Android phone manufacturers happy.

Got until Jan 9th my man...Vzw extended they're return policy ..
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That's good if its web only on the 21st...I can find out if it gonna be 16/32gb. I can also find out the price, which if its 299 for 16gb, well I'll be on the sidelines watching reviews. Personally, I hope its 16gb for 199 or less (though I doubt it). I've been living off and 8gb Eris and have 4gb free....
Then I can make an informed decision....

Happy weekend!!

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