[General] Mayhem;2205934 said:
So where is the OP at with this issue and Verizon?
He's not replying because he is fresh out of ideas for trying to beat a huge bill.
Here are the relevant facts, coming from someone who actually knows how VZW systems work:
Once a device is reported stolen or lost, it gets added to the negative list. Automatically. Which means service is dead to that device.
ESN changes happen on the day the esn is changed. They can not be backdated.
Assuming you swap from a smartphone, blah blah, then the day the esn is changed, any data usage rolls back to midnight which means if you go from a droid x to an accolade at 10 am, then the data usage from 12:00 to 10:00am will show up as usage billed out at $1.99/mb. Call care. It will be credited.
For the love of god, there is a big piece of info missing from this post. I just explained the billing. I also know mars can show where those data charges happened, if the rep cared enough to actually look it up.
My theory is he was vacationing in a cdma roaming area like cabo, realized he was going to have a huge bill, and is now looking for solutions to ensure he can do whatever the hell he wants, assume no ownership for his inability to understand the english language or demonstrate an understanding of geography.In light of this, he automatically deserves a credit cause he is a self entitled prick who only now recognizes that he done messed up.
I never bet on things unless I now I can win. I am willing to bet on my analysis. People are so stupid today and so self entitled. Nothing surprises me any more.