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the thing that is great about this season is that they are going back to their roots back in season 1. what made that season great was the flashbacks and getting to see new stories that helped give insight into the characters on the island. the flashbacks were getting old and we weren't really learning that much new material. now with the flash sideways we are able to see new stories that have never been told and what happens if oceanic 815 never crashed. i for one was skeptical at first but now I think that this is absolutely genius!
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Yea I've only seen like the first episode and a few other in between, but I've been watching this supposed final season and everything's turning out kinda "eh" lol. Dude you should watch the first one and see what you think of it, you'd most likely be able to find it anywhere online these days.

All the previous episodes up through the latest one is available at ABC.com Ya kinda have to see them all to really know whats on. or else you'll be lost......
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I would like to here you guys theory on what exactly is the "flashsideways". I think its the survivors lives if jacob hadn't "touched" them.

IMHO the flash sideways are the epilogue.

There is something that our beloved losties still have to do on the island (kill the MiB, resurrect Jacob, become a new Jacob, etc???). When they do this I believe it will basically negate Jacob from ever affecting their lives. What we are watching is the end of all of the characters.

And it makes sense. End of season 5 had Jacob saying "it only ends once. everything else before that is just progress." That is what we are seeing in the epilogue. Progress. Jack is a good father, and putting down his booze habit. Kate is still on the run, but is showing signs of compassion and risking herself by helping Claire. Sayid has Nadia back in his life, and is coming to grips with his past. Locke is finally starting to accept what life has dealt him and getting over his "don't tell me what I can't do" attitude.

And we see that as much as they were all manipulated to come to the island, fate is still pushing them all towards each other. This fits in beautiful with the science vs faith theme. Both science and fate brings our losties together.

Of course, I could be very very wrong in my thought here. This just seems too beautiful and poetic a way to end the show. I don't know where they're going if this isn't their approach.
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1) WTF is this doing here? This is a eris forum...try lostpedia.com next time.

2) I could not disagree with the OP more. I do my damndest to watch as little TV as possible. It's modern mind control plain and simple. Some Discovery channel programs are about all that I watch.

I do however watch LOST. That show stimulates your mind in so many ways: your memory, puzzle-solving skills, imagination... In a world with so much mindless programming (literally) I really think this show has a beneficial, healthy affect on your mind.

I for one am loving the last season. The writers have brilliantly woven a tapestry involving science, religion, history, and found a way to make it entertaining. I'm very eager to see how they are going to wrap it up.

How are you disagreeing with me when I don't even have a tv and the only shows I've seen in over 3 years have been LOST and Jersey Shore(for the lols).
Anyway supposedly as the sixth season goes on the flash sideways and them on the island will connect and merge somehow with no flashes after that point.
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IMHO the flash sideways are the epilogue.

There is something that our beloved losties still have to do on the island (kill the MiB, resurrect Jacob, become a new Jacob, etc???). When they do this I believe it will basically negate Jacob from ever affecting their lives. What we are watching is the end of all of the characters.

And it makes sense. End of season 5 had Jacob saying "it only ends once. everything else before that is just progress." That is what we are seeing in the epilogue. Progress. Jack is a good father, and putting down his booze habit. Kate is still on the run, but is showing signs of compassion and risking herself by helping Claire. Sayid has Nadia back in his life, and is coming to grips with his past. Locke is finally starting to accept what life has dealt him and getting over his "don't tell me what I can't do" attitude.

And we see that as much as they were all manipulated to come to the island, fate is still pushing them all towards each other. This fits in beautiful with the science vs faith theme. Both science and fate brings our losties together.

Of course, I could be very very wrong in my thought here. This just seems too beautiful and poetic a way to end the show. I don't know where they're going if this isn't their approach.

That's pretty much dead on what I've been thinking is going on as well. Although if there's one thing I've learned from faithfully watching this show it's that whenever I THINK I've got the answer all figured out, they throw a huge curveball my way and completely take it in another direction. Don't get me wrong, I still frequent a few forums on a weekly basis and talk some crazy conspiracy theories re: Lost and the plot, but at this point I'm just enjoying the ride wherever it ends up going. Some of the best, most compelling and well executed television ever produced.

I would straight up push a nun in front of a bus with my grandma, the pope and sweet baby jebus watching if it would get me the rest of the season immediately afterwards.
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I like pastrami. Well, not all pastrami. A lot of pastrami has a very medicinal taste. Like they just took some dried out roast beef and tried to tart it up with nitrates. But good pastrami.... Ah. The kind you get fresh out of the steam box -- not out of the fridge and then nuked.
On some club, with mustard, and a good sour pickle. (Not the flourescent green colored pickle, either. A real dill pickle. From a big plastic tub, not some jar.)
I'm in NY, so I know.

This is the "as off-topic as you want it to be" thread, isn't it?
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