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Help LTE question/ 4G/ Note 2 Question


Android Enthusiast
I'm still a bit fuzzy on these antennas wavelengths things. When I get the Note 2, will I still be able to use my current 4G coverage? Or will I be stuck back on 3G until they finish rolling out the LTE stuff? I'm in Wilmington DE and I don't even think we were on the plans the last time I looked...
I think it would help if you tell us what provider you're on and which version you plan on purchasing.
Whoops sorry I thought I posted this in the sprint forum.....

It's with sprint and I'll be getting the Note 2. Probably the 16gb one since so far I think it's the only one being sold in the USA. Basically I sometimes get 4g with my epic touch right now. We aren't even on the plans yet for 4g Lte, which I think is what the note 2 is for.

Can the note 2 also use the current regular 4g signal I am currently picking up with my epic touch?
Whoops sorry I thought I posted this in the sprint forum.....

It's with sprint and I'll be getting the Note 2. Probably the 16gb one since so far I think it's the only one being sold in the USA. Basically I sometimes get 4g with my epic touch right now. We aren't even on the plans yet for 4g Lte, which I think is what the note 2 is for.

Can the note 2 also use the current regular 4g signal I am currently picking up with my epic touch?

I see. Okay, I'd edit your title to add (Sprint) for clarification. That said, here's the easiest way to both answer your question AND gain some knowledge:

4G = Wimax or LTE

Sprint's initial 4G coverage = Wimax (starting with the original EVO)
Sprint's current 4G coverage = Wimax or LTE (depending on area), but not both
Sprint's 4G coverage going forward = LTE
Sprint's discontinued 4G coverage = Wimax, which will continue to work until the end of 2014, at which time the entire network will have been switched to LTE.

Any past devices built with Wimax 4G antenna will NOT work with the LTE 4G coverage. Wimax is still currently being supported, but as mentioned above, that will end by 2014 (So any older phone with Wimax 4G antenna will not be able to connect to 4G after that).

As far as LTE rollout is concerned, if it hasn't been released in your area, then yes...you will only be using 3G until the LTE build-out has happened. The LTE rollout is part of the entire Network Vision improvement.
sad answer..... :(

but I actually followed that logic! Thanks so much! Such a waste of time and money for them to roll that out for only a few years partially then just abandon it. Doesn't really make much financial sense to me. Maybe this will convince me to hold tight before jumping to the Note 2. Although the BF who is getting my old Epic touch will need a new phone by the end of 2014. He will be eligible for an upgrade by then. Okay! have everything planned out a bit more. LOL
sad answer..... :(

but I actually followed that logic! Thanks so much! Such a waste of time and money for them to roll that out for only a few years partially then just abandon it. Doesn't really make much financial sense to me. Maybe this will convince me to hold tight before jumping to the Note 2. Although the BF who is getting my old Epic touch will need a new phone by the end of 2014. He will be eligible for an upgrade by then. Okay! have everything planned out a bit more. LOL

You're not alone in that boat, wondering what their logic was.

There are a lot of technical details behind it that many (more knowledgable than myself) have elaborated on in extreme detail. The bare bones explanation is Wimax is a 4G delivery system that is owned by Clearwire, which Sprint controlled majority stake of. Beyond that, Wimax used to be the preferred 4G delivery system outside the US. Problem was, the US domestic providers had already put their investments into LTE 4G delivery, which was seen as more expensive to deploy (and would take longer for build out). When Sprint chose to start with WiMax, they did so with the understanding that it would be easier to transition from WiMax to LTE, should they need to. Well, when they started to deploy WiMax, they didn't have complete control of the delivery, so the towers were made live extremely slowly at launch. As time went on, the deployment and opening of new towers wasn't going as fast as expected, so when Verizon launched their LTE, coverage area and speeds were already better than what existed for Sprint (with exception to a few areas). At that point, Sprint had to make a business decision and move to LTE...but, they decided to build out their own LTE network that they could control. On top of that, they made the business decision to shut down the iDen towers (e.g. Nextel) to convert them to dedicated 3G. This is all a part of the Network Vision. In the short term, for the customers, it seems really bad...but, if you look at the potential for the long term benefits...Sprint could surprisingly jump up in popularity by the time Network Vision is scheduled to be complete (2014).

If you look at the positive side of Softbank's purchasing majority stake in Sprint, then you'll believe that the extra money will help speed up Network Vision, so that both Softbank and Sprint can see benefits from the Network upgrades more immediately than originally projected.

As for planning your upgrade, I can tell you that without a doubt, upgrading to the Note 2 will be worth it because it is relatively "future proof." Even though LTE might be slow to deploy right now, the upgrade window at Sprint is 18 months now (for everybody), so that's only 1 1/2 years. If you're already paying for the premium data fee, then the only reason not to upgrade is if you currently have strong Wimax signal. If you do and you feel that you can last until the end of 2014, then you'll be completely fine sticking with your Wimax enabled phone, since it will be supported until that time. So, realistically, it all comes down to your needs to upgrade. Each of the past 2 years, I've upgraded because I truly needed to (Touch Pro was going bad and the EVO was highly anticipated...so that was my first Android endeavor. EVO didn't have enough storage to host all my apps and cache needed for certain apps, so I upgraded to the Photon. Loved the Photon more than the EVO, but Motorola isn't going to continue full support of the phone, so I'm giving Samsung a shot). For me, it's all about my needs. As much as I love tech, I've been happy with the rapid advancements and as long as the phone continues to function without a lot of headache, I'll be fine.

I'd just sit down and find out realistically what's best for you and your BF. Weigh the pros and cons.

I will tell you though, that the Note 2 will be very popular that I believe this sub-forum will be one of the most active out of all the phone sub-forums.
Tons of info! Thanks!

Well it sounds like Sprint *might* be starting to move in the right direction. I like that the LTE towers will be owned by Sprint. Just is very poor planning on their parts to not go with the better more expensive option in the first place. A cheaper quicker fix is almost never a good long term answer to a problem. Hopefully someone at Sprint realizes that and is a bit embarrassed about that decision.

We have occasional 4G Wimax Signal where we live right now. I mainly use it at work to download podcasts and videos. I'm trying reeeeeallly hard to not run out and buy the Note 2 next Thursday for $299. I'm going to try reeeeaaallly hard to bank on Amazon having another awesome 1 penny Black Friday thing. That's how I got my EVO 4G two years ago which started my service with Sprint. I could absolutely slap $299 on a credit card, but that wouldn't be financially wise of me... I need to be a grown up... Ok this self administered pep talk isn't working that well :)

But on the flip side if the Note 2 doesn't go on sale and I wait 2 months and only save $50 in the end, I will not be a happy camper.

BF is very untechy and barely uses a smidge of data compared to my 15 GB a month. He should have an upgrade sometime in 2013... I'll just make sure he steers towards a phone with 4G LTE capability. If we are paying for unlimited data that he barely uses at least he should be able to have decent speeds for his tiny usage.

I'm really excited about SoftBank's purchase into Sprint! Maybe they will find some way to get rid of that annoying $10 data charge per phone line and drive prices down even more. ;)
Tons of info! Thanks!

Well it sounds like Sprint *might* be starting to move in the right direction. I like that the LTE towers will be owned by Sprint. Just is very poor planning on their parts to not go with the better more expensive option in the first place. A cheaper quicker fix is almost never a good long term answer to a problem. Hopefully someone at Sprint realizes that and is a bit embarrassed about that decision.

We have occasional 4G Wimax Signal where we live right now. I mainly use it at work to download podcasts and videos. I'm trying reeeeeallly hard to not run out and buy the Note 2 next Thursday for $299. I'm going to try reeeeaaallly hard to bank on Amazon having another awesome 1 penny Black Friday thing. That's how I got my EVO 4G two years ago which started my service with Sprint. I could absolutely slap $299 on a credit card, but that wouldn't be financially wise of me... I need to be a grown up... Ok this self administered pep talk isn't working that well :)

But on the flip side if the Note 2 doesn't go on sale and I wait 2 months and only save $50 in the end, I will not be a happy camper.

BF is very untechy and barely uses a smidge of data compared to my 15 GB a month. He should have an upgrade sometime in 2013... I'll just make sure he steers towards a phone with 4G LTE capability. If we are paying for unlimited data that he barely uses at least he should be able to have decent speeds for his tiny usage.

I'm really excited about SoftBank's purchase into Sprint! Maybe they will find some way to get rid of that annoying $10 data charge per phone line and drive prices down even more. ;)

It's very possible that by the time he upgrades, the Softbank deal will be fully approved (by the FTC) and it could mean a wider range of phones for Sprint. If you look at Softbank's website, they have a lot of phones not offered anywhere else, and could meet his needs better than others.

You're chatting with the wrong person, if you want someone to steer you away from upgrading next week...LOL. I'm pretty calculated, when it comes to making decisions like this, but once I've made up my mind and there are others on the fence...I am pretty decent at giving them "justifications" for buying.

btw...you do know that the EVO 4G still can get you around $50 bux back at some places, right? I found a place locally that gave me $50 and my OG Evo (White) was pretty heavily used, since I handed it down to a family member to use for the past year. Even better, I got to keep the charger.
oh I can give myself a bazillion justifications for buying now! LOL I rarely splurge on anything related to *me* except for phones...

The EVO 4G was sold over a year ago on ebay! I bought a new Epic Touch on ebay and have been using that. I can't ever seem to go a whole 2 years with the same phone... it's a sickness. :P Also why I should wait and see if there is a sale. I'll probably have to pay full price for the next best thing mid contract, so I should be smart now.

It seems Softbank has more durable phones which works out well for BF. He works outside doing pipe fitting stuff on a chemical plant. anything durable is right up his ally.
oh I can give myself a bazillion justifications for buying now! LOL I rarely splurge on anything related to *me* except for phones...
Isn't that what the BF is for?

The EVO 4G was sold over a year ago on ebay! I bought a new Epic Touch on ebay and have been using that. I can't ever seem to go a whole 2 years with the same phone... it's a sickness. :P Also why I should wait and see if there is a sale. I'll probably have to pay full price for the next best thing mid contract, so I should be smart now.

Even better. You should be able to get a decent amount back for that. As far as paying full price for the Note 2...I know some people have mentioned that they'd buy out the remainder of their contract, so they becoming upgrade eligible, and then pay for the phone as an "upgrade"...which has translated to being "cheaper" than the full retail price. Not sure if that would be the case for you, but you might want to explore that possibility.
oh I already bought out the remainder of the contract last night :)

Can't sell the Epic touch because BF's google nexus crapped the bed and was put to rest after the ICS update. I should actually see if I can sell that on ebay to fund my Note 2! He's using a crappy epic slide out keyboard phone so is looking forward to being handed down my Epic Touch. It's like musical phones!
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