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Making the move from a Droid

I'm on a Droid currently. When the Incredible comes out I'll be making the move to that. The girlfriend is being added to my account on a new 2 year. She'll be getting the Incredible, BUT I'm going to take it and she's going to get my Droid. We'll be trading numbers.

So, my question is:

What is the best way of going about getting the Droid back to stock? I have RSD Lite from when I moved to 2.1. I would like to keep 2.1 on there for her. I would also need to keep the SD Card in the Droid for her, but the SD card has everything on it from the time that I've had it. I won't need one right away since the Incredible has the 8gb storage.

So basically I want her to have a clean install Droid, with a clean SD card.

Thanks in advance!
Verizon can switch the phones so you dont have to switch phone numbers.

Copy content from MicroSD card to Incredible internal storage.
On the Droid:
Settings>SD Card & Phone Settings> UnMount SD Card> Format SD Card
WIPE Droid
Turn the Droid off. If it won’t turn off, take the battery out then place it back in. 2. Open the keyboard and press the X key while pressing and holding Power. The device will power on. Keep holding the buttons downuntil a yellow triangle appers.
3. Press the Camera and Volume Up buttons at the same time to get to the menu. (I had to press them several times).
4. Use the direction pad to the right of the keyboard to select the Format option

Sign into your GMail Accts and contacts will be transferred OTA
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Can you take the sd card from the droid and just put it in the incredible? I assume pics will be there, but what about apps?, etc I use open home , how will that work? And then what's the best way to get back the paid apps? i plan on giving my droid to my daughter clean. If I can just place my sd card in the incredible , I'll just buy a new one for the droid, i guess
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