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Root Mandatory Update to Voicemail!! Ugh


Android Expert
Jan 5, 2013
Orange, CA
This thing that Sprint just pushed out is f***king annoying. The notification cannot be removed and when you open the app, you are greeted with the screen with the only option to update. You cannot do anything else....

This is wrong and people should not be forced to update an app!

If anyone knows how to remove the annoying update notification, please let me know.
Perhaps I'm just ignorant to the nature of the update, but why don't you just update? updates tend to add features and make things better to use, not worse...

1. because it could cause unforeseen problems being that I'm on a rooted phone running a custom ROM
2. I don't know what the update really does (NO Changelog)
3. It is being forced on you which is not normally how updates work
4. I've searched around and the consensus is that this update caused problems

I just want to disable this damn update thing! Sprint should have this option to decline to update instead if FORCING YOU to update to be able to use the VM app at all... bad practice from a big company
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1. because it could cause unforeseen problems being that I'm on a rooted phone running a custom ROM
2. I don't know what the update really does (NO Changelog)
3. It is being forced on you which is not normally how updates work
4. I've searched around and the consensus is that this update caused problems

I just want to disable this damn update thing! Sprint should have this option to decline to update instead if FORCING YOU to update to be able to use the VM app at all... bad practice from a big company

You could always uninstall it and use google voice instead. It has free transcribe features but they don't work that great.
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Rooted, s-offed and took the update the day it was available, haven't had any problems with it, on multiple roms, the only noticeable difference is that it now has light and dark themes, both pretty ugly but I use the app maybe 5-10 times a week so it's not a big deal. :p
For a minute I was thinking I must have updated until I remembered I'm using VM Blacked Out which is why mine is black / dark.
The update adds a button to subscribe to a premium voicemail service. That seems to be the objection most have to it.
I've had that premium button for a while although I couldn't say for sure how long a while is.
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