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Meals That You Hated


I saw this thread on another forum and thought it interesting. What food or meal was you served while growing up that you hated and have not and will not eat as an adult?

We had very basic meals when I was growing up and wasn't served anything that I hated. I find that I'm not the normal guy. :)
Many of the items posted were items that I like and even crave at times.

I'd love to hear about the foods that turned you off and you now avoid.
Meatloaf. My mother was not a great cook but most meals were tasty and enjoyable. Except meatloaf. It was always overcooked and dry, greasy and just plain gross. My dad loved it so it was in the regular dinner rotation. I have not, and will not, eaten it since I was a kid (and didn't eat it then either, thanks to the dog under the table!).
At school creamed spinach. At home cottage cheese

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I don't know that I've had creamed spinach. I love greens. I'd be willing to try the dish. I eat cottage cheese often. I used to eat it with salt and pepper. Now I eat it with chipotle pepper and smoked paprika. I love liver! I fried chicken livers last night for dinner. I had a few left over and I had them for dinner tonight. I fix the best beef liver and onions you'll ever eat. I'm a big meatloaf eater. The variations are only limited by your imagination. I fix a swiss meatloaf that is very good. I love a mexican spiced meatloaf. Lately I've been smoking a half beef half pork meatloaf that is super good.

I understand when something doesn't taste good or is simply unappealing there is no reason to eat it. I don't know why I like the items that have been mentioned. I not only like but love the stuff mentioned. It was the same with the tread on another forum. Liver and meatloaf were hated on both threads. Fried eggplant was something that everyone seemed to hate. There were a lot of haters of sauerkraut too.
I hate raw onions. So ceviche is out for me. I'm learning to tolerate raw onions to the point I can tolerate most dishes that have it, but I try and avoid that when I can.

Same goes for cilantro...... that I can't tolerate unfortunately.

Other than that.... I'll eat pretty much anything. I don't mind liver. I like chicken liver the best. I'll even eat cottage cheese, if I have to. I prefer not to though.... lol

The more bizarre the food is, the more likely I'll try it.
I like the taste of raw onions but they bother my gut. Onions cooked in any fashion don't seem to bother me. It's a shame that you have problems with cilantro. I love the taste of cilantro and was notorious for over using cilantro in my hot sauces. My wife dislikes cilantro.
Who doesn't like meatloaf?
It's basically hamburger shaped like a loaf! That's it!
Granted, there's variations of it, but still hamburger.
Now Liver, that's a different story.
The flavor is yuk and it's dry.
Unless there's other ways of serving it?
I'd be open to try them...
When I was a young 5 year old, my mom put liver on my plate. I was sitting on the couch watching TV and I stuffed the liver behind my back between the cushions. My mom was so proud of me until she found the liver!
That was the last time she gave me liver, lol!
The key to liver is to not over cook it. Like any meat, dry is yuk. The flavor of liver is a like or not flavor. Over cooked doesn't change it's flavor. I'd guess that if the flavor is a turnoff, you will never like liver.

I've never eaten haggis but would certainly give it a try. If it's the national dish of Scotland, it must be tasty. The ingredients may sound like a scrambled mess but many dishes are the result of a variety of flavors and textures that result it something delightful.
I'm with @Dannydet on the liver. I'll eat the muscles of animals... even pork rinds. But the organs? Uh, NO.
have you tried sweetbreads? those are delicious and like with anything, it needs to be cooked right. if have had them grilled and fried with a brown butter sauce.......very good!!!

and meatloaf, just like liver, can be bad if they are over cooked and thus become dry. a dry meatloaf is terrible. and i never order liver at a restaurant. i have occasionally made liver for myself.....and i never over cook them. i usually make them with an onion jam or some kind of gravy.

and my least favorite meal is nato over rice. nato is a very fermented soybean. the beans get very funky and slimey. the texture is what puts me off.

its a very popular dish in Japan. but even some Japanese people do not like it.
have you tried sweetbreads? those are delicious and like with anything, it needs to be cooked right. if have had them grilled and fried with a brown butter sauce.......very good!!!


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Years ago I was working at a Data Center and a roach coach would stop by at 9am break time. The Hispanic workers would always grab these breakfast sandwiches with a Spanish name. I decided to try one of the breakfast sandwiches. I took one bite, and it was like a big piece of blubber and I spit out. I translated the sandwich name it was cow stomach.

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Really meat instenstives, no thank you by a long shot, even stranger foods too.
Everything else would taste really excellent too, now I need to have the stomach to eat Cow again,
but after 23 years without it..
I translated the sandwich name it was cow stomach.
Ah, tripe: my Dad tried extolling the virtue of that to us when we were kids, but I think he was trolling us (not that that word existed at the time) and knew full well that he was never going to sell it to us.

There are a lot of foods I don't like. Some are just intrinsic dislikes, e.g. brussel sprouts or broccoli (I can manage a bit of tenderstem, but the regular stuff I would struggle to eat if my life depended on it), or cucumber or courgette (zucchini to Americans). Some of these things I'm sure are just different chemical sensitivities of my tastebuds. I remember an experiment at school where the teacher asked us all to taste this brown chemical with a very strong, unpleasant taste: about half of the class couldn't taste it at all, and the ones who could taste it were the ones who hated brussel sprouts. Many people tell me that cucumber tastes of nothing, but to me it's a strong, clinging taste that overpowers anything that comes in contact with it. I suspect courgette and broccoli are something similar. Some are acquired dislikes which I'm sure can be overcome, but it can be hard to persuade yourself it's worth doing (I've tried with things like lettuce several times - I dislike both the taste and texture of most leaves - but progress is so slow that I've always given up before anything changes).

But some can be overcome: I love mashed potatoes, but for about 15 years I could not eat them. The reason: school dinners! One week I was sick twice after eating the school mash (full of grey lumps), and after that I was literally unable to swallow mashed potato of any sort for many years. But gradually I was able to convince my gag reflex that the problem was not mashed potato itself but the particularly awful way the school kitchen made it. But it doesn't always work: I had a similar experience with coconut in a school dessert, but it's not "badly made coconut" that was the problem and so the texture of coconut flakes is still a deal-breaker to this day.
Growing up I hated pork chops :mad:o_O:maddroid: couldn't stand them. But we were poor and pork chops and chicken were cheap. So after I grew up and got on my own I didn't eat pork chops,
Until the girlfriend/wife came a long. One day she makes pork chops and I was like o_O which Made her :saddroid:
So to make her happy :thumbsupdroid:
I ate what she fixed and
They were so good
I think for the next two nights we had pork chops . From that first pork chop night until now unless the wife cooks them I won't eat them.
Years ago at family gathering there were pork chops, an uncle had cooked them and while everyone snatched them up including the wife I wouldn't touch them :thumbsdowndroid:, so after the wife ate she actually got up and cooked mine:blushDroid: she wasn't happy called me childish, her family got a laugh out of it

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