Android Expert
Clearly no amount of facts will sway A.Nonynimus from his position that Meego had no support so let's move on...
To me the biggest thing Meego had going for it wasn't even it's sheer power, though certainly that was considerable. No, it was that Meego would unify mobile and desktop like no other OS before or, so far at least, since. Unification of phone/tablet/desktop is quickly becoming the Next Big Thing. Google is doing it with ICS/Chrome, M$ is doing it with Win8/WinPhone and Apple with iOS/OSX Mountain Lion.
But all those are basically efforts to unify existing different OSs intended for particular hardware and uses - phone, tablet, desktop. Meego was about taking a single mature OS - Linux, and a full mobile Linux distro, not just the kernel - and expanding and adapting it to various hardware and uses.
That is where Meego had a huge advantage over the competition and why M$ would do whatever it took to snuff it out. It was ahead of it's time. If Nokia had followed through on what was actually a solid plan, Meego was a winning hand. Sadly, Nokia fell behind on development, then M$ made it rain money. So we as consumers lost out on the chance to have a killer OS on our devices.
To me the biggest thing Meego had going for it wasn't even it's sheer power, though certainly that was considerable. No, it was that Meego would unify mobile and desktop like no other OS before or, so far at least, since. Unification of phone/tablet/desktop is quickly becoming the Next Big Thing. Google is doing it with ICS/Chrome, M$ is doing it with Win8/WinPhone and Apple with iOS/OSX Mountain Lion.
But all those are basically efforts to unify existing different OSs intended for particular hardware and uses - phone, tablet, desktop. Meego was about taking a single mature OS - Linux, and a full mobile Linux distro, not just the kernel - and expanding and adapting it to various hardware and uses.
That is where Meego had a huge advantage over the competition and why M$ would do whatever it took to snuff it out. It was ahead of it's time. If Nokia had followed through on what was actually a solid plan, Meego was a winning hand. Sadly, Nokia fell behind on development, then M$ made it rain money. So we as consumers lost out on the chance to have a killer OS on our devices.