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Help memory card problem - auto deleting files


Apr 13, 2011
I have problem with my memory card...
I copy data (music) to my memory card (Kingston micro sdhc 16 gb class 4(i think) but when data transfer is completed and I reconnect card (via adapter in my PC or using USB with my phone) lots of data are deleted...
do you know why?
I have the same problem, after viewing files on my laptop through the USB port.
It took me half the night to fix, I had to copy all the files to a folder on my laptop's hard drive, remove the phone, delete all stuff on the card (through the phone, there was no option to "format"), then paste everything back to where it was.

I noticed that there is no option to "remove safely" before unplugging the USB. I looked everywhere, even installed their program, but there's no eject or the like. Apparently it corrupts something.

If you google this is a major problem (disappearing media) but the Android developers, Phone manufacturers, and Carriers just point their finger at the other guy, nobody fixes it.
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Last night I fixed it by backing up SD files, reformatting, and pasting files back to the SD. It worked fine for hours.
I shut down the phone overnight, and today the photos and music files were again not seen by the phone. They are still on the card. I can view them, access them, etc. if I attach the phone to the computer.

The SD card is a full-price retail Sandisk 4GB microSDHC from Staples, not something off ebay.
I don't believe it's the card, and I don't believe repeatedly reformatting the card is the answer. Something else is going on.

Why does the phone stop recognizing the card? Last night I'd thought it was a conflict with Bluetooth File Transfer, because the problems began after attempting to send ebooks via bluetooth. Only the first book transferred, then it started with the "OBEX OPP Object Push Profile" problem, not being able to send files. The sending phone receives a "false" answer from the Xperia.

However, I re-did the card after that, purposely didn't touch bluetooth, and it did the same thing anyway.

The bluetooth may be caused by the same problem that's causing media to become unreadable.
It's so frustrating to go through all these problems on a brand new phone. I'm not a programmer but am left to try and fix it myself.
Where is the support? Where is the product testing? I did email Sony Support but have not received a response.
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