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Help Memory Issues


Jul 21, 2010
I just bought a new 16 gig memory card for my phone and I cleared some stuff off it but it keeps saying I have too many texts and no memory.

I currently have next to nothing on it and the apps I do have I'm unable to delete since I need the information on them still.

The keyboard has also been lagging when I've been texting...not all the time but enough.
It'll be talking about the phones internal memory, so the size/free space on the SD Card will be of little use in this instance unfortunately.

What you could do, if you're getting that message message specifically about texts, is download one of the SMS Backup & Restore apps from the market, backup your SMS's to the SD Card using the app, then delete them from the phone. That should free up some space and hopefully get rid of that error message.
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It'll be talking about the phones internal memory, so the size/free space on the SD Card will be of little use in this instance unfortunately.

What you could do, if you're getting that message message specifically about texts, is download one of the SMS Backup & Restore apps from the market, backup your SMS's to the SD Card using the app, then delete them from the phone. That should free up some space and hopefully get rid of that error message.

Thanks that helped a bit. I have Gmail Backup now so I still have them on Gmail.
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