Man have I had moments where I wanna be part of that 65%.... Never have though
To understand how SERIOUS this is, talk with a guy (like me) who has been put in jail (and denied bail) without hitting or anything physical happenng.
In Canada, we live in what could be called a "POLICE STATE", whereas all it takes to put a man in custody, is ANY Police officer who decides that He simply doesn't like you, or you may not have the best attitude at the time your wife or girlfriend has called them and made some sort of report that you hit them, or they are afraid of you (translated in cops head that she has been assaulted) they can and do just come and find you,(and they have 6 months I believe) whenever they want. They ask NO questions of you, only find you and at all costs, especially violence. Cops LOVE to use Men who have been accused of being a part of a domestic situation, as punching and kicking bags, NO BULL!
5 years have come and went where me and my children have been unable to see each other on a regular basis. Just take her to court people say- TRY IT! Then you have to deal with whatever the Crown Attorney can come up with in preparing to make sure you look like a viscous, violent person, and they get to say whatever they want to the judge, and that stands as fact until ,and if, you ever get to a trial, which is about a year after your initial arrest. Not to mention how easily a judge will pass judgement and side with the Crown's accusations and you are GUILTY until proven otherwise. This is proven as fact by every man you could ever ask in CANADA. We do not have a fair system, if you are not liked, you are guilty-That's it!
Sorry for the long post Guys/gals, but I assume you realize the above is mostly my story, yet once you get turned down for bail, unless you plead guilty, you could spend a year in jail awaiting trial. This is what the majority of men do in order to be free, which puts the statistics really out of perspective as I think %50 or better of the men who get charged domestically end up doing, as once you are charged, and it is the police that actually do the charging, NO body can remove the charge, even when the woman has settled down and recanted her allegation.
Well, the bottom line is that MEN are SERIOUSLY ABUSED by Canada's police forces as well as the Justice system as a whole. We seem to be guilty because we are men, period. In my case, I end up with a criminal record and my kids lose their right of having a Dad. Our Justice system is anti family, or just does not care about kids period.
We need a system that actually investigates such charges, as my whole life was taken from me, and that was business, kids, and friends, church, I had literally been wiped out as if I had NEVER existed- Painful? Hurt? Paid the price? Ya, and I was never given the opportunity to defend myself as I caved in and plead guilty in order to put an end to living in HELL
