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Help Messaging App with Unified Inbox


Android Expert
Jan 12, 2010
Winston-Salem, NC
I have been trying to give the Messaging app a whirl and have an issue. Maybe somebody can help.

The app shows my POP email account, but none of my Gmaill accounts show up in the unified inbox. Does anybody know how to get the gmail to show up in there also? I have gone to the Messaging app menu>accounts and the two gmail accounts that I have set up are shown there. I have tried long pressing on them and the resulting menu offers no love.

Before you send me to K-9 or Maildroid (or others,) I used to use K-9 on my OG Droid and its Unified Inbox did this, but I sorta like the Messaging app and want to give it a fair shake.

Any help will be greatly appreciated,
In the universal inbox select Settings > Manage Accounts > Add account...click the Email icon upper right, not the Google icon. Set up your google account here.

Then go back to the main My accounts screen and click on your Google account(s) (the one with the black G icon). Disable sync gmail, but leave sync calendar and sync contacts selected, if you use these (which you probably do)! You need to do this or you will get duplicate notifications.
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