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Help Metro Pcs @ ZTE ZMAX Pro Network Connection Trip Report: Amtrak- NY to VA


Android Expert
Dec 14, 2010
WHY: Phone suffers connection problems(NYC). This is counterbalanced by the fact that when it is connected, the speeds are incredibly outstanding.
Before exchanging, curious to see how it performs in other areas during this pre-planned train trip.
PS disconnects fairly infrequent with LTE Off, but still pop up from time to time, although not anywhere near to the extent of LTE On.

DEPARTURE: NYC to Williamsburg, Virginia Saturday 4am (delayed)
RETURN: Arrival Tuesday 1:30am
Passed thru: NJ, DE, MD, PA.

SIGNAL STRENGTH: Identical 5 bars always NYC thru to northernmost part of Virginia along the entire overland Amtrak route. The further you go into Virginia, if you're a Tmo / Metro customer, it sucks to be you... more on this later.

One key finding: LTE On Setting - everywhere outside NY it can auto down cycle to HSPA(& lower). In NYC seemingly no.
Ditto LTE Off, saw it hit 3G/2G coupla times.

Otherwise, I couldn't do/find out much
at my destination - reception in Williamsburg, Virginia was fairly close to nonexistent. Number of signal bars WHEN OUTDOORS in order of occurrence: 1,0,2,3(seldom),4(almost never),5(NEVER)
INDOORS - forget it. Anytime you enter any flimsy building, signal goes to 1 Bar or No Connection - even right by the open door. EVEN @ outdoor seating area only enclosed with plastic tarp sheets tied together!
Sunday night from 8pm til dozing off 1am the signal did go to 4 bars the entire time, but Monday was back to usual blah thru 6pm departure.
Overall, got maybe a smidgen more signal when LTE Off, but either way fairly useless.
Battery life suffers greatly under these conditions.
Also, outside Williamsburg there's No Signal, until Roanoke- which sees 4/5 bars. Outside Roanoke once again no signal until Frankfort.
If lucky, you might see carrier logo change to AT&T, and be able to make calls - but no data otherwise.

The rest of the way to NYC you have 5 bars always.

The rest of the findings are off-topic here.

1. Amtrak sucks(along with a lot of other things in our great country).
Amtrak Wifi useless for streaming.
Power outlets on one side of my car didn't work.
Lots of loud rattling metal.
Bright overhead lights on overnighter NEVER dimmed or turned off.
This "High Speed Line" just crawls for long stretches, & top speed never that high. This 8+hour trip would be a little over an hour in Asia.
That step off stool has NEVER been improved, it's IDENTICAL to the one in pre WW2 pics.
The 30-60-90 day passes disappeared years ago, yet Amtrak just hemorrages money - more than a billion yearly we subsidize it.
Heck, Third World countries have better train systems.
Whether trains, broadband, cellular - most of Europe and Asia have better and for le$$... so most people in the world have better living than we do here.

2. Class disparities are so obvious in Williamsburg -
A. Main area a tourist trap with the highest possible prices.
B. Working locals stay away - some have NEVER frequented. They're either too poor or too wise.

God protect you if too poor here - $7.25 minimum wage & spread out distances with a handful of buses running once hourly.
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Just had another disconnect while @ LTE Off, leaving to the main takeaway from the out of state trip:

outside NYC, depending on setting, phone will readily downgrade - LTE to 4G or 4G to 3G to 2G

in NYC only once I ever saw this - inside subway a fleeting LTE to 2G

So basically a disconnect instead of a fallback
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I live about an hour south of Williamsburg and my coverage is just fine. You went through some gaping holes on your way down. I took the train going to DC and it was dead in those areas.

T-mobile/MetroPCS is great if you live in a covered (big metropolitan) area. Travelling? Not so much.

And, yeah, Amtrak wifi sucks.

I've only been to Colonial Williamsburg once. I already saw what I needed to see as a high school student. This area sucks in terms of mass transit. Too many anti-growth people here.

Williamsburg's most famous resident? John Hinckley......
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