Also make sure Do Not Disturb isn't on by mistake. Some Samsungs try to become self-aware these days and have 'adaptive' features such as auto turn on power save and auto enable do not disturb for some reason.
Also, FYI the A-series are budget devices and are not known for being the most reliable handsets. Unfortunately if you cling to expandable storage and headphone jacks as I do, they're the only 'modern' option left.
A word of caution. Calling Tracfone's tech support is a stress-inducing nightmare. You'd have less frustration debating a Christian about Athiesm. Their reps are very much in love with their scripts and treat people like they're idiots. I've had them repeat, over and over again 'try turning the phone off and back on!' even after I told them "hey, I tried that before I called you!"