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MixZing media player - now with Graphic Eqalizers!


Android Expert
MixZing Media Player - Android app on AppBrain

MixZing just got graphic equalizers in the latest update.

I think this is the best music app I have seen on android so far,
It has lock screen controls and album art, it scrobbles to last FM,
It has suggestions and playlists, you can edit mp3 tags in it, the interface is good,
the options are extensive, it has a landscape mode and the inline headphone
controls work with it.

I paid for the full version, well worth it in my opinion.
I really like MixZing, I think I'll pay for the upgrade. Equalizers eh? I want them now :p lol. What's "scrobbles to Last FM"? What does it let you do? Sorry, might be a dumb question :o. I've only just recently started using Last Fm.
I really like MixZing, I think I'll pay for the upgrade. Equalizers eh? I want them now :p lol. What's "scrobbles to Last FM"? What does it let you do? Sorry, might be a dumb question :o. I've only just recently started using Last Fm.

Last.fm - Personal Radio - Android app on AppBrain last.fm is a website that lets you listen to free music. based on your search, it suggests tracks you may like, and builds a library based on your suggestions and responses.
This app accesses your last.fm account and library on the phone.

Scrobble Droid - Android app on AppBrain scrobble droid
is an app that looks at the music you play on your phone and lets last.fm know (it collects the info and passes it to the last FM app, which then adds it to the database on last.fm this is 'scobbling').

Last.fm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia scrobble
I downloaded this the other day and although it was nice I personally did not like it as much as the HTC music player.

Found it very fiddly and not quite as pleasing on the eye as the in built one plus I like being able to swipe my albums to select them. Thats the great thing about Android though there is something to please everyone :D

The Graphic Equalizer does sound a great add on though and i do miss that from my days on Symbian
personally, I dont miss being able to swipe to change track or album, I find that I tend to start it playing, lock the phone, and just use the lock screen controls or the inline remote on the headphones.

but, yeah, its great to have so much choice when it comes to music apps after owning an iPhone for 2 years. The iPod app is very good though.
I can't believe what Android is doing to me!!!

I always lurk in the shadows reading anything to do with music players and currently have four players on my Desire, trying desperatley to decide what one i want as my sole player, i have:

Cubed (3),
Stock Android player,
Zimly &
The paid version of MixZing.

I drive my better half up the wall with all my reasons for this player being the best because of this etc etc and last night i was just about to delete MixZing and low and behold they up date the player to finally include an equaliser, clean up the now playing screen and a few other tweeks i am still finding............

I still can't decide what one to keep, the equaliser has saved MixZing on my phone for now!
as far as i know, the equalizer works by tuning other stuff down, so for example if you want more bass, it turns down the other elements in relation, to make the bass more noticable. It cant add more bass as the speaker/headphones are only capable of so much to begin with.

I think MixZing is the only one with an equalizer on android at the moment isnt it?
Mixzing is brilliant and just got the update this morning in time to work to work ;-) my favourite part of the update is that when you select a playlist it doesn't automatically start playing it .... simple but noticeable!
not being too familiar with how equalizers work, which one of the levels do i drag down? or up to improve the bass? :/
as far as i know, the equalizer works by tuning other stuff down, so for example if you want more bass, it turns down the other elements in relation, to make the bass more noticable. It cant add more bass as the speaker/headphones are only capable of so much to begin with.

I think MixZing is the only one with an equalizer on android at the moment isnt it?
There is also a player called Astro Player which has an equalizer.
Before i started to use spotify on my phone, mixzing was my player of choice. Good news for us users this :)
After trying everything I could out there, I happily removed all the players except MixZing. I agree with Carsn about being okay without the ability to swipe. I lock the phone and just use the lockscreen widget, which is much more functional than the others I've encountered.
I love mixzing, my favourite music player on android by a mile, however the eq is a bit disappointing as it seems it doesnt work unless the player is in the foreground with the screen on. Something to do with the way android works, a pop up message in mixzing explains this when you send it to the background while playing, and after testing with my headphones I can confirm that the sound returns to default once the screen goes off or you go to a different app while its playing, regardless of eq settings. Not the devs fault it seems just android - something to do with not dedicating enough cpu time to background tasks to make the eq viable.

EDIT - dev has just released an update that fixes this, so as of now the eq works properly :)

On the plus side this update does fix the desire album art issue, recently added playlist is cool and I prefer the slightly tweaked interface. Also on a personal note, I had a problem with registering the paid app previously and the dev replyed to me and fixed my issue in under 10mins which was pretty sweet. Definately recommended.
Last.fm - Personal Radio - Android app on AppBrain last.fm is a website that lets you listen to free music. based on your search, it suggests tracks you may like, and builds a library based on your suggestions and responses.
This app accesses your last.fm account and library on the phone.

Scrobble Droid - Android app on AppBrain scrobble droid
is an app that looks at the music you play on your phone and lets last.fm know (it collects the info and passes it to the last FM app, which then adds it to the database on last.fm this is 'scobbling').

Last.fm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia scrobble
Thanks. Anything to make Last.fm better, is fine for me. i like it but, i have issues with it. Might re-install it and scrobble :p.
Hi all, can anyone help, I bluetoothed a few albums from my old phone to my desire, but they are not showing the album art on MizZing, they are showing a picture I had on the phone.

Is there any way to fix this?


This is the message I get when I hit the EQ button...
"Sorry, the qualizer doesn't support this file type"
I bought the upgrade for the EQ and no ads, but the EQ doesn't work. Why?
Is it with a particular file type or all? Does it work on any media?

Have you tried uninstalling and re-installing?
Ok. Looks like the EQ doesn't work on M4A files but does work on MP3s. Are M4As from iPod? Is it possible to convert them? It may not be worth it.
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