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Help Mobile Network Battery Drain


Apr 11, 2013
Hi I'm a newbie in this forum so please be nice
I've been using my Incredible S since it came out in Taiwan (about 2 years ago)
and it has always been good, lasting about 3 days before I need a charge (and that's still 20+%)
that's mainly because I usually NEVER TOUCH THE PHONE
But NOW, my phone is draining like crazy, about 55% every night, even though the Mobile Network Signal is yellow all that time
I see people out there with this same thread title
and then they figure out the problem is because they left 3G on or something:mad:
but for me, I
  1. Do not have internet connection
  2. Only turn Wifi on about once a day for less than 10 min
  3. Turned off sync for Facebook AND Google
  4. Have tried JuiceDefender & is using Advanced Task Killer
  5. Only calls about twice a week
  6. Plays about once a day for less than 20 min
I only have a few apps, and disabled many of the manufacturer's
The "Running Apps" page has so little apps I can't even scroll down

***And when I turn on Airplane Mode, my phone only uses about 3% every 6~8 hours
which is why I think the problem is the mobile network signal
so I'm hoping someone can answer my question
This problem started when I rooted and installed CM10.1, but now I'm back to stock rom, and the issue is still there

and thanks:)

in the picture
the 1st line is Mobile Network Signal
2nd is Awake
3rd is Screen On
4th is Charging
the sudden end of the drop on the graph is when I turned on Airplane Mode, and the Mobile Network Signal disconnected


  • 2013-04-10_12-28-12.jpg
    20.8 KB · Views: 168


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