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Apps Monetize beyond ads and download

I want to know if it's possible to monetize your Android app from in-game purchases. I am working on a multi-player, network game app and would like to allow players to buy chips to play with other players. Players would have the option to buy-in and cash-out.

I have consulted my legal team and creating such app is legal in my jurisdiction. I just want to know if Google will allow me to implement this option within their terms.
Thanks for the link El Presidente. I had been looking for that information but couldn't find it. This is too bad, I had a lot planned for my game...but I think this restriction fits within Google's "Don't be evil" corporate motto. However, I think what I had planned was in no way evil. I had planned revenues to go towards a social organization to help my community. Now, I will have to rethink the entire structure of what I had planned. It's still doable...
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If your users are buying chips, gaming, cashing them out, etc. Frankly that sounds like you might be running some kind of casino. Google Play is governed by US law, as the servers are in the US, which basically means no gambling AFAIK.

You might have to run your game on servers in Malta or Gibraltar or Cayman Islands or something, where these things usually happen and are legal. And be licensed for gaming by the relevant authorities.
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Also see:

There is a reference to "virtual currencies" in the above linked page:
  • In-app virtual currencies must only be used within the app where they were first purchased.
Not sure how the "cash-out" would work or be viewed by Google or if this is just a reference to how things work within the in-app payment framework.

That being said, @mikedt's post is probably more relevant and applicable...
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This is what I have planned. Not really a casino, but it is a game table... lol
That's looks like a poker room, well that's pretty much same as a casino anyway. And if they're playing with chips, bought and cashed for real money, I'm pretty sure you'll have to offshore it to a territory that's legal for it, like Cayman Islands or Gibraltar.
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Stupid question, mikedt: can it still be an Android app if it's hosted offshore?

What if I have it a downloadable apk without it being in Play store?

That's looks like a poker room, well that's pretty much same as a casino anyway. And if they're playing with chips, bought and cashed for real money, I'm pretty sure you'll have to offshore it to a territory that's legal for it, like Cayman Islands or Gibraltar.
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You could just not give them back their money and keep it. If the real-world money exchanged for in game money either stays in game or the developers hands and never get to the player thats not gambling. In in-app purchases. if you give back anything but entertainment to the player it can be conceived as gambling or other issues that can get you in more trouble than its worth.
Theres my two cents. Good luck
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Noted. I basically want to make 2 versions of the game: one that has in-apps purchases, with points, ranking and AI for computer opponents, and the other with gambling enabled that only allows human opponents. It gets more elaborate than this and I have a strategy in mind.

Technically, I don't reside in the US and gambling is legal with the proper certifications. The part I have to figure out is the where the game will be hosted as US-based servers would fall under US laws. It would be great if I can store data in a database like Firebase.

You could just not give them back their money and keep it. If the real-world money exchanged for in game money either stays in game or the developers hands and never get to the player thats not gambling. In in-app purchases. if you give back anything but entertainment to the player it can be conceived as gambling or other issues that can get you in more trouble than its worth.
Theres my two cents. Good luck
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