What happened was that people started to assume the Republican party was all about bigotry, white supremacy, and crazy conspiracy theories. Seems nuts like Joe Rogan and Alex Jones spoiled the basket.
Then Covid happened, and anyone who dared question the narrative or the vaccine mandates got labled anti-vax (hey I took my childhood vaxxes!) or someone who spreads 'misinformation.'
The left is what made Jim Crow laws a thing, and created the Ku Klux Klan for those who aren't versed in history. Go far enough left and you end up with the Communist Party. However, go too far right and you get McCarthyism. So best to avoid either extreme. I am what I consider more right of center in that I am conservative and subscribe to the core ideals of the Republican party (freedom of speech, freedom to keep and bear arms, smaller government, etc) but not the nuttier ones associated with it like flat earth theory, carnivore diets, or Kenneth Copeland.
It would appear that Nineteen Eighty Four is no longer a work of fiction.
One quote I often use against folks who criticize me over being conservative is "I might not agree with what you're saying, but I'll defend your right to say it"