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Dec 3, 2010
Hello Guys

1) I am looking for a app which will allow me to mount my laptop hard disk, and network hard disk on to my phone.

2) A good app to access, remote desktop my laptop over the net and over wifi

Free apps will be best but dont mind paying if the app is amazing

Thank you
1) you can try any filemaneger with Samba support (first 2 are plugins, you have to install the filemanager too) :
Ghost Commander - Samba Plugin ~ Android Application v1.01 By Ghost Squared
ASTRO SMB Module ~ Android Application v1.0.1 By Metago | Productivity
Mobile SMB ~ Android Application v1.0.7 By padersync | Productivity (and Trila version Mobile SMB Trial ~ Android Application v1.0.7 By padersync | Productivity)
Then simply allow sharing in Windows (or Linux) and you can access the files like in normal network (just in workgroup, not in domain).

2) You can try VNC viewer (free) or Windows Remote desktop client (expensive) :
android-vnc-viewer ~ Android Application v0.4.7 By androidVNC team + antlersoft | Communication
Remote Desktop Client ~ Android Application v2.3.0 By Xtralogic, Inc. | Communication
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