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Help movies from my Dropbox app


Android Enthusiast
i transferred movies from a folder on my laptop to dropbox folder on my laptop. (did this by copy-paste) they transferred and are playing fine, when I access them from dropbox folder from my laptop. I also transferred the same way pics and resumes etc.

All items are showing up in my dropbox app on my Dx1 BUT not the movies!

I thought about "cutting-pasting" which i did with one movie(didnt show up in the app of dropbox on my Dx1. Thought cutting would make a difference then copying. Notta

Any particular reason why only the movies did NOT show up? they are "i4" movies.
Now I transferred one of those movies via usb cable in one of my movie folders and it played flawlessly, so I know this format will play on my droid Dx1.

whats up???:confused:
Did the movies finish uploading? It can take some time uploading large files.

actually never thought about that since this was the first time uploading movies.
just checked, saw the first movie soo, i guess it will take a little while for the others since i uploaded 4 or 5 movies
I wouldn't even consider using Dropbox for that. It takes a long time with a 100 meg rom, let alone bigger files.

I use Dropbox to transfer files I might want to use for several Android apps (we have 1 phone and 3 tablets).
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