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Movies You *Won't* Watch Again ...


Android Expert
and are sorry you watched the first time. :D

In contrast with the "movies you watch again and again" thread I though it would be helpful to have a thread where we ward off people from wasting time and/or money on movies that are just awful for one or more reasons. You know the ones I'm talking about, they lure you in with the trailer, tag, cast, something, but it's just rotten from the beginning and then gets worse from there. ;)

Here are two that easily fit that bill. One I just saw yesterday, and the summary of it and cast highlights (Phillip Seymour Hoffman, John Turturro and Richard Jenkins) caused me to watch it: "God's Pocket." A complete waste of talent, poorly scripted (but then it's a cruddy idea as well) and improperly billed as a "comedy-drama." There's virtually nothing funny, just a couple of quick jokes here and there; the theme is dark and dramatic throughout. It starts with a funeral and ends with a corpse in the street and in between is just layers of cinematic putrefaction. Indeed, the only good thing I can say about it is the running time is under 90 minutes.

The other I think I've mentioned here once or twice: "Nothing Lasts Forever." This movie had an amazing cast, but it went absolutely nowhere. Indeed, the subtitle for it should have been "except maybe this movie." I saw it the week it was released and the word was already out; there were only maybe 15 people in the whole theater on a Saturday night. It closed the next week. My GF fell asleep about twenty minutes in, and the only reason I stayed was because I kept trying to figure out why so many talented people had lent their name to this complete waste of celluloid. This is the single worst movie I've ever seen, hands-down.

There are others, but that's enough to get us started. What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
Despicable Me 3
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
Kong: Skull Island
Transformers: The Last Knight
Wonder Woman
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

These are all movies I've seen in the the cinema in the last year or so and thought...MEH!...and certainly won't make an effort to watch any of them again.
Anything with Adam Sandler in it. The un-funniest comedian that ever tried to tell a joke.

Absolute bottom of my list is "The Hotel New Hampshire" (c. 1984) despite the cast including Rob Lowe and Jodi Foster, it is one of the few movies that I've ever walked out on before it was over.
Here's two that I can remember renting the videos, and gave up watching because they were just stupid.

Battle Beyond the Stars, with Richard Thomas (John-Boy Walton).
Ground Control, with Henry Winkler (The Fonz from Happy Days)
The problem with unwatchable films is that I tend to forget their names as well. Hmm, I think I once watched The Tree of Life, in which case it fits the category as I remember nothing about it.

One I've given up on however is E.T.: I've tried 3 or 4 times and always fallen asleep before the end. So I've decided that whatever its merits it's clearly not for me.
Suicide squad was TERRIBLE ... good lord that was a disturbing rubbish heap... I forgot about that garbage - it was so bad when you reminded me of it I instantly cringed.... cringe worthy is an understatement...

I also did not really like the latest Star Wars it has gone down a scary road :/ but might watch it again but might get sick of it and make it worse.

It is so hard to pull off something as incredible as the original matrix (think matrix 2 & 3) soooo I don't think I will watch those again they ruined my memories of how awesome the original movies were... definitely did not do the originals justice.

I also didn't like the avengers it is rubbish as well.

Twilight was also such rubbish I hope they show a pre warning before the film to caution you that your intelligence will drop after watching the film!

Twilight is one of the worst it was like REALLY bad I hate that movie and that slimly looking vampire he looks so dodgy I wouldn't trust a dodgy guy like that looks like he sells broken 2nd hand cars "only ever driven by an old lady once a week" kind of thing...

So slimly he looks like he can slide uphill... Twilight is one of the worst movies of all time.


thinking of those chick flicks.....

my most hated movie of ALL TIME has got to be 50 shades of gray / gay ... err I mean 50 shades of grey!

50 shades of gay is BY FAR my most HATED MOVIE OF ALL TIME...


Who in their right ****ing mind - a gabazillionare (Mr Grey - no imagination what so ****ing ever about the naming of wooden / cardboard acting characters) is EVER going to go for a CLEAR ****ING GOLD DIGGER... so freaking bad that gold digger movie!!

she is just a ****ing GOLD DIGGER (I HATE GOLD DIGGERS) it is for women to get their gold digging fantasy fix so they can think of all those fancy cars / houses they can steal from their ERR I mean "kindly ask for" from their husbands / boyfriend...

50 Shades of GAY has to be the absolute WORST FILM OF ALL TIME.

I hope all gold diggers fantasizing about robbing extremely brilliant / hard working billionaires DIE from all kinds of cancers... a nice slow death... so

SO my most HATED films are in this order:

1) 50 shades of g.ay / gray / grey! (omg I HATE this film SO MUCH)
2) Twilight is a very good 2nd place but can never overthrow the king of shit (50 shades of gay)
3) Matrix 2 & 3 (very bad and should never have been released)

Not too sure what else but these 2 gold digging fantasy films make me feel sick whenever I watch them!

What is really scary is how many gold diggers there are out there to actually not only make them "economically viable" but these films made BILLIONS or something completely insane my mind can't understand it still scary scary scary

Wow - when did gold digging films become so insanely lucrative / popular??


Scary times gentlemen! Scary times!

Someone should invent an anti gold digger spray
50 shades of gold digger!!

this short film is GENIUS! :D

watch your back guys..... the spades are everywhere!
Wife and I just watched Justice League this weekend. We were very underwhelmed and am sure we won't watch it again
Would I regret going to see Avengers: Infinity War?

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I am a huge fan of Escape From New York for reasons I can't explain. So naturally when the sequel Escape From LA came out I watched it. To this day I still can't unsee some of the most horribly done effects and action I have ever seen
Movies I won't watch in the first place:

Anything with:
Ben Stiller
Russell Crowe
The bobbsey twins (AKA Matt and Damon Afflek)
Adam Sandler
David Spade
Will Ferrell
Christian Bale
Chris Farley
Melissa McCarthy
Keanu Reeves

Any superhero movie
The new Star Wars
Anything with rap in its soundtrack
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