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Help MT's screen has dark spots when tilted?


Jul 24, 2011
OK I'm not sure how to explain his but if i tilt the phone away from me while looking at the screen, I can see some dark spots. Looks like the a crumpled piece of paper.(top half of screen only) I'm obviously talking about the LCD screen and it doesn't make sense but its ticking me off. Very noticeable on clear backgrounds like white or clear colors like pink,orange etc. Its not that noticeable on darker colors. Haven't check with video playback or anything. ideas?

Part of me thinks its faulty screen, but I don't know since this is my first triumph so all I can do is compare to my iPod 3gs and HP touchpad. Both of those devices have no such dark spots. Those devices show clear images on the LCD at all times.

For some background, I bought it on cybermonday and got it this week from Virgin Mobile. Think Monday. I think when I first saw it, I thought it was the screen shield it came with. But over the past few days I came to the conclusion that wasn't it BC the screen shield is firm and straight so it can't make crumpled like look to the LCD.

I read online that if you get a replacement, its a refurbished model? Well let say all models have this "issue"....I would be trading in my new one for a used one with possible other issues and the same crap. I do not want that. Is there any way I can get a new replacement? I'm torn BC I love this phone and want to hack the crap out of it to install MIUI but now I'm thinking of calling and sending it back. Any advice? Is this typical? Should I treat this as a non issue?
I have not seen that issue before. I would guess that you are right, it is the screen. The refurbished phones shouldn't be in any sort of bad shape. People have reported having problems with the replacements, but then they replace that and usually are fine. I haven't had to replace mine at all, so I can't speak for any of that myself.
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OK I'm not sure how to explain his but if i tilt the phone away from me while looking at the screen, I can see some dark spots. Looks like the a crumpled piece of paper.(top half of screen only) I'm obviously talking about the LCD screen and it doesn't make sense but its ticking me off. Very noticeable on clear backgrounds like white or clear colors like pink,orange etc. Its not that noticeable on darker colors. Haven't check with video playback or anything. ideas?

Part of me thinks its faulty screen, but I don't know since this is my first triumph so all I can do is compare to my iPod 3gs and HP touchpad. Both of those devices have no such dark spots. Those devices show clear images on the LCD at all times.

For some background, I bought it on cybermonday and got it this week from Virgin Mobile. Think Monday. I think when I first saw it, I thought it was the screen shield it came with. But over the past few days I came to the conclusion that wasn't it BC the screen shield is firm and straight so it can't make crumpled like look to the LCD.

I read online that if you get a replacement, its a refurbished model? Well let say all models have this "issue"....I would be trading in my new one for a used one with possible other issues and the same crap. I do not want that. Is there any way I can get a new replacement? I'm torn BC I love this phone and want to hack the crap out of it to install MIUI but now I'm thinking of calling and sending it back. Any advice? Is this typical? Should I treat this as a non issue?

I don't notice any dark spots on mine... I would get a replacement... And personally I would rather have a factory refurbished phone because they have to make sure that they are in condition enough to send and everything is working...
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Thanx guys. If you guys see no dark spots St all when you tilt your device and look St the LCD then it is a defect.

I was just on the marketplace and the grey background that you see, I could see some dark spots without tilting it this Time. I mean they are small and not really a big deal if you don't look for them but its like that saying, once seen, can unsee or something to that Effect. I can't stop thinking about them. I was holding the phone wig both my hands and I said, what if this model was used beforehand? What is he previous user pressed so hard on the screen that they made it like that and sent it back at the end. Guess I'm just making excusses to ft another one now.

I'm gonna call first thing tomorrow and tell them I got a few people's opinions and how they don't see what I see. Thanx.
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