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Help Multiple Issues


Dec 21, 2015
For the last week, my S6 active has been acting up. My text messages all come in out of order (if I send a message the reply shows up above the message I sent) My TouchWiz keeps crashing (not sure how to fix) and my speaker sounds like I am trying to listen to music under water?

I am not sure what is happening to your device, however, I have experienced some problems similar to this. The phone is becoming extremely slow and I have tried everything from new launchers, clearing the cache, and much more. For example, sometimes it will take 10 seconds to go home from watching a YouTube video! I recommend trying a new launcher like Hola Launcher. Just download it from the Play Store. (BTW to change back to TouchWiz, just go to settings; applications; default applications; home/launcher). Hope this helps :)
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