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Help Music library organization


Android Enthusiast
Dec 16, 2010
Kernersville, NC
So the one thing that annoys me to no end is poorly organized music. I'm just putting some on my Evo.
Attached is a screen shot of my laptop....everything looks normal, yes?
When I put it on the phone, 2 separate albums of the same name come up. One has 2 songs in it, the rest has the other songs. It's doing this for like 4 of my albums. Whyyyyyyyyy? :( It's driving me nuts. Sometimes one random song will be in another album of the same name. The artist is the same, and it all looks the same on the computers end.


  • IMAG0129.jpg
    815.6 KB · Views: 63
I used to have this problem myself on the Triumph with the 4.0 rom. What you need to do is get a good id tagging program and for album artist, put the name of the artist there and save it. Sometimes some mp3s will have different names under that category or under composer. Get rid of the tags for composer cause that's not needed. The things is that 4.0 looks at the tagging for album artist as a way of categorizing the albums. So if you have a compilation album of different artists under album artist put various artists (don't change the actual artist tag, just album artist and delete composer info). Hope this helps you.
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It happens on other devices, like the MT and my ipod touch. Try use "mp3tag", it's a small software you can use on pc to edit the tag. Windows doesn't show all the information of the sound, sometimes there are titles, album artist etc. That's probably why the phone shows lots of albums.
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