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Help MXQ OTT Firmware 112k4_SDCARD alterations


First post here so please forgive me if i post in the wrong section.

I have some stock firmware as per title that im looking to adapt, firstly ive removed apks i dont want pre loaded upon first boot and added some others that i do want to install on first load but im stuch trying to figure out the next bits i want to change.

1. Change the default timeone .... Anyone know what files need to be edited to fix this to GMT+1
2. Change default shorcuts .... Remove default ones and add my own ( from the apks installed )
3. Ensure that the default launcher is my chosen one

Any help would be appriciated .... im a novice so be gentle
... Thanks
1. default time zone can be changed on build.prop, there should be a line : ro.timezone , something like this.
Change to the time zone you need.
2. If you means shortcut on the default launcher, you will need to work on the launcher apk or see if the launcher has the shortcut data store in somewhere in data/data. Copy them and put them in data/data on first boot, I tried once, it works, but depends on launcher you have.
3. Normally, I will delete all other launcher so Android will only loaded to that launcher i want

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