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my dillemma, to switch or not to from boost to metro

new data point about this topic. the store I work at (4 streets away from my house) I had a customer couple of days ago with metro CDMA gs3. I have 1 bar in the store, she had 3. she had some free time so she let me download and install speedtest in her phone and run it couple of times. average 7000 kbps down, 3000 kbps up. I noticed 4g icon but not lte ?? in the rush I forgot to check if it says metro or T-Mobile in speedtest.
in T-Mobile coverage map this exact location is marked 3g with 3 bars of signal.
so what do you think guru's ? also to clarify what the heck this spectrum combining doing for us users. will it let me have 4g at my location since metro has it?
was it blue or white? if it was white then it was on metro's cdma network, blue is gsm tmobile.

both those speeds seem about right for what was being displayed.
The CDMA GS3 runs on band 2 LTE while the blue gsm one runs on band 4 LTE.

They do not share lte spectrum at least not yet.

It runs on B2 in markets with no B4 if I go a county north of here where metro actually had AWS i'll get B4 on my S3

If a market has both B2 & B4 its certainly running on B4

*I had messed up before, Jacksonville had no B4 for metro prior to the merge
It runs on B2 in markets with no B4 if I go a county north of here where metro actually had AWS i'll get B4 on my S3

If a market has both B2 & B4 its certainly running on B4

*I had messed up before, Jacksonville had no B4 for metro prior to the merge
Since this is where I have tested it I can only speak for here.

Band 4 has the 311660 id but the cdma version of the gs3 only connects to band 2. I have forced it to band 4 and it falls flat on its face with no signal.:(
Since this is where I have tested it I can only speak for here.

Band 4 has the 311660 id but the cdma version of the gs3 only connects to band 2. I have forced it to band 4 and it falls flat on its face with no signal.:(

Random question, how did you decipher band 4 was that 311660 number?
Random question, how did you decipher band 4 was that 311660 number?

He probably saw it running on B4 through his nexus 4 I'm guessing

I remember I was doing network searching on the Xperia Z and that came up as a network to connect to so I was a little confused.
Yes I first seen that network while searching on my nexus 4. I also see it on any galaxy phone if I use dialer code *#2263# and specifically choose band 4 and then search.
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