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Root My Milestone won't boot!


Apr 15, 2013
Okay. So, I've looked at the majority of forums available on Google, but found nothing to help me with my problem. Hopefully, someone will see this and be able to help. Here it goes. So, last night, I was trying to install an app from my SD card onto my Milestone with Rom Toolbox (a great app). However, I couldn't see anything when I went to install it, and I decided to try an reboot. Well, since I am not the most patient person, I decided to try and use on of the app's methods of "rebooting". So, I clicked the "reboot" button, and u came some options of ways to reboot (reboot, hot reboot, boot into recovery, power off, etc.). So, I pressed "hot reboot". BIG MISTAKE. My phone was stuck at a screen where the buttons were still lit, but the screen had a dark tint to it. Plus, the speakers were making a kind of faint buzzing/beeping noise. It stayed like that for about ten or so minutes, until I finally decided to pull the battery. Another BIG MISTAKE. When I tried to boot it back up, the "M" for Motorola logo popped up, but it just sat there, and the weird buzzing/beeping noise started again. At this point, I'm not sure what to do. I've tried recovery, wiping the cache, pulling the battery, and even factory resetting. I'm not sure what else I can do. The charging port doesn't work, so I use a battery charger. Any ideas? I really need help.
Hey, sorry to get back so late. I kinda abandoned the thread. I can't remember what I was trying to install, but it was most likely a custom boot logo. I tried to do a fast reboot, but when I selected it, my screen went dark blue. I was pretty new to Android back then, so I wasn't sure how to make a Nandroid backup. If I had made one without knowing it, where would that be located? Thanks.
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Well, I am pretty sure you would know if you made a nandroid backup. You must have been trying to install a custom boot animation, as a custom boot logo replaces the Motorola "M" and can't be replaced by an app. Plus a boot animation that is not designed for your phone would probably cause what you are experiencing.

Are you sure your phone is actually rooted? Can you boot into recovery? And if so what does it look like?
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