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My new ICS lockscreen


Android Expert
Feb 7, 2011

I had my doubts about this launcher but bought it anyways. Its actually pretty cool. Totally worth the buck 30 or whatever. Doesnt have as many setting as LP or ADW but I actually like it better then ADW or LP

true that, but remember they will be updating it alot as this is still in testing mode, and im hoping by the time the official update comes, that this launcher will be the best by far and no bugs attached. but this ICS is smoking fast on the esteem, i also tied it out on the ascend also and was surprise it actually is quite stable.:D
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I think this WidgetLocker is cool with the ICS Lockscreen. However, I found it using on average 22MB of RAM on my Esteem!!! :eek:

I wonder if it makes any difference if the phone is Rooted or UN-Rooted to determine on how well it performers?

Mine uses about 12mb of Ram. And to answer your question if you are rooted then you will always see the widget locker lockscreen and not the stock.

Android OS doesn't let and apps run for 5seconds after putting to sleep. If you press power twice in a row it will show the stock screen instead. If you are rooted you can disable the 5second requirement
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yes FW, i got rid of BW, it kept giving problem when they updated it on my other phone.

Hmmm... looks almost EXACTLY like Beautiful Widgets in that screen shot. They must be almost identical.


BW was on the the leaked LG Esteem video I post on YouTube back months ago before the Esteem was launched, and then I put it on my own phone -- with the 3D weather animation, too.

Good to know there's another similar package out there.
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I tried WidgetLocker on my Esteem - WOW what a resource PIG! Slowed my phone down BIG TIME. Introduced all sorts of lag and sluggishness that immediately disappeared after uninstalling it. Damned shame though - it looked great!

thats interesting, i havnt had a problem with it. most ram its uses was 13mb with average being around 7mb
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thats interesting, i havnt had a problem with it. most ram its uses was 13mb with average being around 7mb

Didn't seem to be an issue with RAM really, my numbers looked to be about the same, BUT, overall it did introduce something into the phone that really pissed it off LOL! Again, 3 days later after removing it now I've yet to see the sluggishness return.
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Didn't seem to be an issue with RAM really, my numbers looked to be about the same, BUT, overall it did introduce something into the phone that really pissed it off LOL! Again, 3 days later after removing it now I've yet to see the sluggishness return.

same thing happened to me with LG home. when i used that it was always sluggish. Since i started using ADW Launcher EX i haven't had a problem, its so smooth all the time now.
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