The reason our country is going in the toilet is because of who won the last election! Tax, tax, tax, Spend, spend, spend, that's all the liberals know how to do. 17 Trillion in debt & that jerks out of control reckless spending goes on & on. Food stamps, free housing, Obamacare & so on. A family of 10 Illegal aliens sneaks into OUR country, has a kid here & ALL the free-bee's are their's. But Obama wants them here for the votes. He just got through raising taxes on everyone who makes over $450 G's a year. These are the small businesses who employ 98% of our small business employees. That's why businesses won't hire & expand. Obamacare is now even being questioned by the Liberals who were for it at first. Hopefully it'll be repealed. Unemployment (the real G 6 figure) is out of control. Jobs are scarce because of Obama's taxes & rules & regulations on businesses. We have more minimum wage jobs but fewer skilled jobs. His environmental policies, excessive rules & regulations are killing business. The Keystone Pipeline would employ thousands of union workers & bring millions into local economies but he turned it down. Not to mention what it would do to lesson our dependence on foreign oil. BUT, sooner or later one of his illegal stunts is going to catch up to him. Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the IRS scandal, the Associated Press scandal. Obama & Holder deserve to be impeached at the very least. His foreign policy stinks. Shunning Israel while standing up for Islamic countries. The rest of the world laughs at us thanks to him. OMG, I just read a comment below; Quote; "there needs to be better distribution of money"??? THAT'S Socialism/Communism! Move to China or Cuba if you want that! Remember what Margret Thatcher said; "The problem with Socialism is what do you do when you run out of other peoples money"... nite ; )