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Help mystery notification?


Android Enthusiast
Dec 16, 2010
Kernersville, NC
so up in my notification bar in the top part sometimes this random notification appears...it's a white hexagon (I think that's what it is...been years since I took geometry:p) with a number on it...looks similar to the twitter notification but it's not that. When I go into notifications by hitting the menu button, it's not listed, but it disappears from the top of the screen without me even hitting clear.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about? What the heck is it?

it looks like that. i know, my paint skills are amazing hahhah...

i did download a few things earlier in the day, but it seems like this popped up later, but maybe i'm wrong.
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I think I've figured it out. I just downloaded 6 updates.

When they were done, I had the same icon as you had (only mine had a 3 instead of a 2) and next to that were 3 icons with checkmarks in them.

The icon with the number in the middle didn't appear until I had more than 4 notifications waiting to be read.

Based on these results, I think it's safe to assume that the icon with the number in the middle is essentially the same as the icon with the checkmark, but since the screen can't fit more than 4 icons in that section, it adds that icon with the number if you have more than 4 notifications.

Hope that makes sense.
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