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Help N7 weird keyboard issue


Android Enthusiast
Jul 25, 2010
Issaquah, WA
I have one of the newer Linksys routers with apps that allow me to manage the router from anywhere as long as I have internet access.

I'm having a weird issue when I attempt to login into the app. I enter my user name and when I attempt to enter my password the program crashes and exits. I did a liittle troubleshooting and determined that when I press the number "7" on the keyboard, the program crashes. What's weird is that every keyboard I use (default, Swiftkey, etc.), and no matter what position the "7" appears on the keyboard, the program still crashes.

I tried this on my phone with the same app, but it doesn't happen on my phone. I've tried rebooting and clearing the cache, but it still happens.

I find it weird that it happens with the number 7 (on a Nexus 7) of all the characters on the keyboard. Does anyone else have this type of issue, or have any ideas or suggestions for fixing this issue?

Any help would be appreciated...
I think you found the lucky number! Recommend flashing an update to the router and changing the password too! That is really weird!
Well, if you could pick only one number to win the lotto, I would be set!

I don't think I need to do anything to the router since none of my other devices have problems. If I could get into recovery, I would reapply the last update to see if that would work.

Thanks for the suggestions--I'll keep plugging away until I can figure out a solution...
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