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Help N7 won't boot in recovery


Android Enthusiast
Jul 25, 2010
Issaquah, WA
So I scored the last N7 at my local Staples the other day and I am truly enjoying this tablet. So easy to use, fast, and very customizable. It's replacing a Kindle Fire, which as already started to form dust on the view screen. ;)

On to my issue. I tried to boot into recovery today, but after I select recovery in the boot menu, it stays on the google splash screen and never gets into the recovery menu.

I shut down my device. I then hold both volume buttons at the same time and press the power button. When I get to the android menu screen, I toggle the recovery option and hit the power button. I then get the Google logo screen which never goes away. Am I doing something wrong here?

I went through this same problem with my N7 that I dropped and broke the screen on. The screen didn't respond to touch (though everything else worked) and I wanted to wipe my info before selling it on ebay. Recovery mode opened fine but reset using the buttons didn't work for me. The little Android dude just laid there with his chest open forever. All of the research I did suggested nobody has gotten it to work. My unit was not rooted so none of the apps out there were any help (for me). I have no experience whatsoever with rooting etc so was worried about completely killing it. I stumbled on this thread on another forum that covered unlocking to reset in terms even my tiny brain could handle. [GUIDE][MAC][PC][LINUX] How to Unlock, Root and Flash Recovery - Android Forums at AndroidCentral.com

In just a few minutes I downloaded and installed the files to my PC and had it unlocked and re-locked which cleared everything and reset it back to factory specs. I don't have any need to root my new N7 but I'll keep this info on hand just in case I drop this one too.....

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It's a problem with the bootloader you need to have it plugged into a computer when you hit that button to g into recovery. Or download quick boot from the play store
I guess I'll have to try quick boot. I tried plugging the USB cable in (to my computer), but all it did was freze the menu. I'll give the other route a try and report back...
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I went through this same problem with my N7 that I dropped and broke the screen on. The screen didn't respond to touch (though everything else worked) and I wanted to wipe my info before selling it on ebay.
Hey Joe, I was sorry to hear about the misfortune with your N7. I read your story in the other thread, and you inspired me to invest in the accidental insurance when I bought my N7 on Friday. I normaly don't spend my money on the insurance or accident plans, but I thought it was a good idea with this purchase...
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