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Help Navigation S3 in 3D


I have a problem with my navigation. I can't get it in 3D perspective.
I only see my map in 2D (from the top) and I see a blue dot.

I had it in 3D, but i dont know what I clicked on.

Thank you guys!

Once you set a destination and engage navgation, it should auto switch to 3d birds eye view. If you are just looking at the map or an address, it remans in 2d mode. At least, thatis how it works on my S2.
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Once you set a destination and engage navgation, it should auto switch to 3d birds eye view. If you are just looking at the map or an address, it remans in 2d mode. At least, thatis how it works on my S2.

Well that's the problem.. It doesn't...
It stays like this
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