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Root need help with not geting sms on miui !


Jun 24, 2011
So mentioned this before and haven't got a fix. But one weekend I did not get any text at all so I shut my phone off then started it got like 7 to 8 text all at once that were sent days ago. I thought it was do to the kernel I flashed so when miui 11-29 came out I installed that and I still get it every now and then not receiving SMS any one know y or how to fix
I'm guessing that is the Virgin Mobile network that is the issue. The kernels and ROMs won't mess that up. It has to be something with the service in your area. I have had it happen before (when I was on stock too!). I can't really complain, as the plans are so cheap it doesn't make me mad when the service is wonky now and then.

I have also had a great signal and missed calls. They went straight to voicemail. I am pretty sure it is the VM network.
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I'm not having the exact same problem but its related so I might as well ask. Whenever someone sends me a long text (MMS that gets split up I guess), I only receive the first text and never receive the rest. I doubt it's a VM problem in this case because they worked before I flashed MIUI.

Louis, you could try flashing a backup and checking to see if you still have the problem. Might help narrow it down at least.
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When I was on the optimus v I never jade that prob and I hade that for a year. I would try going to stock but I like this rom to muchto much

I heard people had issues with text messages and call delays on MIUI, there are actual settings for calls and text messages in a firewall app that comes in MIUI. I looked through the settings and seen that I didn't really need it and deleted it through titanium backup app and I never had any issues.

I can't say that it fixed it or if I just never had a problem but everything worked when I was on MIUI.
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So I know this fourm is old but I stopped having the issue for some time now and the others day I flashed the ICS they had out. when I tryed to flash back my back up was gone. Anyways downloaded miui again and now Havering the same problem ill text people they only get short text never get long text. I'll text myself some thing like hi get that in a min but over say 15 words it wont go. I don't remember what I did last time to fix it...
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